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Travis is still looking at Anna, and sees look back at him. Anna: Travis, don't you have a girlfriend? Travis: Yeah, i have one. Anna: You should stick with her, she really likes you. Travis: What about you? Anna: I like someone else, i'm sorry. Travis: It's okay, Sabrina is really mad at me. Anna: You have to make it good again, between you and her. Travis: Yeah, you're right, thanks. Anna: You're welcome. Travis goes home to Sabrina. Adele opens the door. Adele: Hey, Travis. Travis: Is Sabrina home? Adele: She dosen't wanna talk with you, not right now. Travis: Okay, but i'm really sorry if i did something wrong to her, i really like her. Adele: Maybe you can talk with her tomorrow. Travis: Yeah, you're right, i can wait. Travis goes home, he is sad.

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