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Travis jumps into the water, and becomes a merman, he wants to save Sabrina. He swims down after Sabrina, he swims her up on land. Travis: Sabrina, are you okay? Sabrina is unconscious. Travis: Sabrina, wake up, you can't give up, i love you. Travis get's tears in his eyes, his tears lands on Sabrina's face. Suddenly Sabrina wakes up, she can see that Travis is there with her. Sabrina: Travis? Travis: Sabrina, you're alive. Sabrina: Yeah, what happend? Travis: You fell down into the sea, i swam down after you, and i saved you. Sabrina: Thanks. Travis: Are you still mad at me? Sabrina: No, i was just stupid. Travis: Does that mean that you accept me as i am? Sabrina: Yeah, and i love you. Sabrina can see that Travis is the merman, she gives him a hug, while he is a merman, and then they kiss each other on the mouth. Sabrina: I'm not a good swimmer. Travis: You can learn to swim. Sabrina: Yeah, i would like to learn to swim, so we can swim together. Travis: That's a good idea, your mom or your dad, can help you. Sabrina: Yes, I can ask them, if they want to help me. Travis: I'm sure they will. Travis get's up from the water, and get's legs. Travis's parent's can see that Travis is going up on land.

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