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Next day: It's afternoon, and Sabrina comes over to Travis and Troy, she wants to talk with them. Troy: Hey. Sabrina: Hey. Travis: You have to listen to Troy. Sabrina: Okay, i'm sorry because i got so mad. Troy: I understand, it must be hard for you, to suddenly know that your family friend has a nephew. Sabrina: Yes, but it's also nice. Troy: So, you're not mad at me anymore? Sabrina: No. Troy: That's great. Travis: Sabrina, do you wanna hang out? Sabrina: I can't, i have to work, my dad get's mad at me, if i don't show up. Travis: Sorry, i forgot. Sabrina: It's okay, do wanna come with me over to the Marineland park? Travis: Yeah. Troy: Why don't we all three go over there? Travis: That's a great idea. Travis, Troy and Sabrina goes over to the Marineland park. At the Marineland park: Sabrina's dad Cameron sees that Travis is hanging out with her, he goes over to them. Cameron: Sabrina, who's that? Sabrina: That's Travis, he is my friend. Travis: Hey. Cameron: Hey. Adele: Hey, i'm Adele, Sabrina's mom. Travis: I'm Travis.

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