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minho continued to push on the other griever.

i heard karen yell in pain.

teresa said she would be fine that it wasn't really kicking in so that would give us some time.

i heard teresa yell from the whole. "MINHO 7 DIGITS WHAT ARE THEY?"

minho looked confuse but began to yell the numbers.


me and newt threw the last of swings toward the grievers and with that the griever hole closed.

it was dark and gloomy. we walked out and the lights turned on. there were two sides to go to the hallway.

"which way?" newt asked as he carried karen.

"pick a damn side" she said gritting her teeth.

"let's go this way,here newt ill carry her."

newt shook his head."lead us i got her."

"no , no." karen said. "im walking ." she said sternly.

"but bab-"

"newt." she said.

she began to walk , not steady but fine. before we knew it, we saw a door.

we found two doctors on the floor with one shot on the forehead.


the pain was horrible. i couldn't walk , but i had too. we walked through what i think was a lab. people dead, on the floor everywhere.

i felt a hand on mine. i saw church trembling, holding my hand.

"it's okay chuck." i said putting my hand on the top of my stomach. i honestly didn't know how i was taking the pain.


pls vote guys :)) and should i make a sequel??

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