Daddy's Little Girl (chapter 22)

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Josh's pov;

For once, I woke up earlier then Mia. She looks adorable when she sleeps. Her hair all over the place, body spralled out. 'Wow, how didn't I fall off the bed?' I laugh to myself.

Mia starts moving and moaning a little. "Mm josh.." She whispers, touching the spot I was sleeping in.

"Josh?!" she shouts, jumping out of bed.

"Right here." I say, smiling.

She turns to me, "oh my god josh.. Please, don't ever do that to me.." She whispers running into my arms. I wrap her in my arms and chuckle.

We let go, "I'm gonna take a shower." She says, walking to the bathroom and turns around, "would you like to join me?" She asks, wiggiling her eye brow.

"i just want a shower." I answer back, walking toward her.

We walk into the bathroom and wash up. Nothing really happened. Just washed each other. I walk out of the bathroom and into the closet. I pick out some jeans, black jordans and a skin tight black tee-shirt.

My beautiful mate comes out of the bathroom finally. She walks into the closet, and picks out a pink skirt, pink tights, and a black tee-shirt with a pink cat on it with pink high heels.

She curls her hair and puts some makeup on.

Today were gonna go get the new pack members.

We walk together, hand in hand down stairs to the kitchen. My mom in law and dad were downstairs with Ted and Meg, eating.

Once we step foot in the kitchen they all lifted they're heads our way... Guess they smelt our scent mixed together.

'Oh god this is gonna be awkward' I mind-link Mia. She tightens my hand for reasurance.

"Morning guys!" Mia lets go of my hand and walks to the fridge. I stand there awkwardly waiting for something to happen.. I deside on talking to Ted. I was about to walk toward him when mia mind-linked me

'Shh.. Don't be worried. Talk to ted, i'll pour you some cearl.'

'thanks babe' I reply.

"Hey ted! How you feeling?" I ask him, sitting down by the table. "Alright, just a little sore." He answers back, rubbing his arm.

I nod as Mia sets a bowl of cearl infront of me and sits down next to me. We both start eating, not saying a word. Mia's parents hadn't said anything. 'Whats up with your parents?' I ask her. She shrugs and keeps eating.

We both finish and put our bowls in the dish washer and turn it on.

Mia walks out of the kitchen before I can. "Josh." I hear mia'a dad call my name, just as i'm about to leave. "Come here." I turn around.

Time to get this shit over with..

Mia's pov;

I finish eating and walk out of the kitchen. I thought josh was behind me but he wasn't. By the time I noticed I was outside. 'babe? Where are you?'

'Your dads talking to me..'


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