Welcome home Lilly (chapter 63)

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Short entry,

Sorry I didn't pick Anna. See that's the dogs name and I don't wanna have her named after a dog, seems disrespectful. So I'm going with Lilly. (Jane is her middle name) everyone wins! :) on to the story.


Josh's pov;

Walking up the stage with Mia, the baby in her arms. We stand in front of all the Pack members. Everyone bows down in our presents. "Pack members! I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, and your future Luna. Lilly." Cheers, whistles and shouts were coming from the huge amout of people. "Also, my beta, Ted. His mate gave birth to a baby." Ted and meg stood up and walked next to us, the baby in her arms. Ted grabs the microphone holding it to his lips, "My mate gave birth to a boy. His name is Luke. Everyone went crazy at the announcements. We all stepped down from the stage and were greeted by hundreds of members congratulating us. 'Sir, there are six rogues in our territory' the voice in my head was from the territory guard, Steve. 'I'll be there.' Mia gives me a worried look then looks down at Lilly. Her big Carmel eyes just like her mothers were glowing. I hug her and give a kiss to Lilly. "I'll be back soon." I reassure her. She gives me a stern nod then walks back to Meg.

I walk outside followed by Ted. "How many are there?" He asks while were taking our cloths off behind a bush. "Steve said six." He nods then shifts into his brown wolf. I turn into my midnight Black and start running. We meet up with Blake half way, 'the rogues split up and are running towards the pack house. Ted glances at me for instructions. 'Lets split up too, any rouge you find, slaughter them immediately. No one gets to the house with my daughter in there." They both nod and start running. I leave them and run to the house, there were two rouges so close to the door. I pounce on the weaker one and chew on its throat, it makes gurgling sounds as the blood enters his own mouth. It lays stiff in my mouth, I drop it and go for the darker brown one. That one put up a greater fight. It went in circles with me, challenging me for my land. I growl and scratch the ground with my two inch claws. It does the same, marking (pissing) on the ground. I growl and let my wolf come out, he had been howling and whimpering to jump out and kill this intruder. When my wolf takes over, I feel like I'm asleep. I let him stay out as long as he wants.

After a couple minutes, he lets me back into my own body. I open my eyes to find three dead rouges on the ground, and one in my mouth. I grab its head in my mouth and crush its scull. It howls in pain, I shake my head back and forth causing the dead body to sway at my movements. Satisfied that this wolf is dead, I go on to the others, ripping they're hearts out and internal organs. I lick my face, blood was dripping down from my snout. How dare they try and hurt my mate and daughter. I sink my teeth into a dead wolves face and rip out its cheek. Who knows what got into me, I just wanted to protect my family. I grab a leg from a wolf and drag it, playing with it as if it were a rag doll. I threw it in the air and let the body fall limp on the ground. I heard a crack from the wolves spine. I grin and go to another wolves dead body and bite the back of its next, chewing on it until the bone. I grab the one wolf who tried to claim my land as his, I scratch his body with my claws, ripping out tuffs of fur and skin. "Josh." Turning around, I see Mia standing with Lilly in her arms. Holding her in a protective way. I rub my face on the wet due covered grass, rubbing all the blood off. I walk over to Mia and rub my body on her side. She smiles and pets my head. I lick the side of her face. "Ewww, don't do that!" She orders me. I smile and run to the bush that contained my cloths. Once I finish changing I walk over to Mia again. She was sitting under a tree, rocking Lilly asleep. I sit down next to her, "how's the party going?" I ask. She looks at me, "it's alright, some people were alarmed that the Alpha had left, some even asked if I got you mad." I chuckle, "so nosy." She laughs and pecks my cheek. A horrible smell reaches my nose, "ugh what is that?" I ask cringing my nose. "Lilly went potty." I look down at the baby, "I didn't know something so horrible smelling could come out of a beautiful princess." Mia playfully hits my shoulder, "I'll go change her." She says getting up and walking to the house.

I watch her until she gets inside the house. Some Omegles dragged the dead body's into a pile, we plan on burning the remains. "Alpha." I turn around and see Ted standing there. "Oh, yeah?" I stand up and stare at him. "Uh," he scratches the back of his head, "While I was killing a rouge, he said his king was going to steal Lilly and marry her... That she was his mate."


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