Let the West Forest Pack, live on!

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Josh's pov;

I was finally able to see Mia. It felt like forever!

She was hooked up to a bunch of things.. I don't even know how I felt.

So much pain.

She looked like... I don't even know.

I hold her hand and kiss her knuckles. They were stained with blood. Who knows who's. Probably a rouge..

The doctor walks in quietly. "Doc, do you think she's gonna live?" I ask, my voice cracking at the end. He nods.

"She's doing amazing!" He answers.

My heart jumps in joy.

"Seriously? Is she gonna live?!!" I ask.

He nods again. "She will live!"

"Who will live?" Blake asks walking in through the door with jasmine. "You're mother." I answer looking down at her. She's so beautiful. Even though were both almost 40, she looks no younger then 20.

Her eyes slowly open. Reveling her Carmel eyes.

"Josh?" She asks quietly. I nod. "Yeah, baby I'm here." I kiss her nose. Her face had a grin on it when I looked back.

"I love you so much." I whisper holding onto her hand a little tighter.

"I love you too, cutie."

Blake's pov;

It was a little awkward with them kissing and stuff..

I clear my throat. "Uh, guys.. Were still here.."

My dad glares at me. I nod. They want their time together.. I nod to jasmine.

'Lets go babe.' I mind link jasmine.

'Kay babe.'

I grab her hand, entwining our fingers together. We walk out of the room in peace, sitting quietly on the chairs.

Meg's pov;

We got Ted to the hospital, he got surgery on his broken leg and is all fixed up.

Thank God. Now, I'm watching baby Luke. He's so cute. Nothing's wrong with him. Just a few bruises and scratches. No permanent things.

I'm just hoping Mia and them are okay..

Doctors pov;

After walking out of Luna Mia's room a nurse pulls me over.

"How's our future Luna?" I ask.

A small smile grows on her face.

"She's doing amazing."

I sigh in relief. "What time do you think the parents can see her?"


Mia's pov;

When the doctor left josh and I had some... 'Private time'

Don't think anything nasty, we just cuddled and kissed. Describing how much we missed each other.

There was a low knock on the door. To a human, it was silent. But for us it was loud enough.

"Come in!" I holler.

The doctor comes in with a smile. "Yes?" Josh asks. The doctor bows to us.

"Lilly is well enough for you to see her."

My heart jumps. I've been dying to see my baby!

"Great! Well, bring her in. I've missed my princess." I adjust myself to sit up as josh sits on the chair next to me.

The doctor nods and opens the door, gesturing for someone to come in. After a couple seconds a nurse with blonde hair to her shoulders walks in With Lilly.

She brings her to us and places her in my arms.

I stare down at my cute baby. "Hello Lilly!" She gives me a toothless grin.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" She chews on her small pink knuckle.

"Babe... Uh, I didn't tell you this but.."

Josh cuts off.

"But what?" He doesn't answer. "Babe! But what!?" This started worrying me.. I pressed Lilly against my chest.

"Lilly... Can't speak."

I burst out laughing. "Well of course she can't! She's almost a year old!" He shakes his head. "No.. No she's not gonna be able to speak... Ever."

I furrow my brow. "What do you mean?"

"She got wolvesblan in her..."

My heart crushes. "My poor baby.." I pull her away from me, staring down at her fragile body. My poor baby..

'At least she's okay..' My wolf comforts.

'But how will she talk to her mate?' I ask.

'She could mind link?' I nod.

'But... No one will be able to hear her beautiful voice.'

My wolf sighs, giving up on comforting me.

"Babe, at least we're all together.." Just then Blake and jasmine walk in, followed by meg, Ted, and Luke.

"Yup... One big happy family."

***2 weeks later***

We all were at the beach.

Josh laying next to me, tanning. Ted and meg playing in the water and Lilly with Luke.

The whole pack was here.

Our family. That started just between two people. This amazing family that over came one of the most difficult things no family should go through.

Josh leans into me for a kiss. I happily accept it.

Josh jumps up and shouts, "EVERYONE!" They all turn their heads and look at us.

He grabs a glass of wine. "MAY THE WEST FOREST PACK, LIVE ON!" Everyone cheers and screams. I smile and stand up next to my mate. "Yes... Let us live on, forever..."


:') the end of this story!

^-^ omg <3

Anyone want a sequel? ;)




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