Deliver (chapter 61)

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Mia's pov;

"Oh my god! This ones adorable! Mia, you must have this!" Shrieks meg. I walk over to her, she had some small blue socks in her hands; giving me a big smile. Cocking my head to the side, "Hmm.. I don't know if it'll fit him.. He is his fathers child. He most likely will have enormous feet!" I answer back causing her to burst out laughing. I smile as I go through the cloths isle. The doctor said it was a miracle I'm even pregnant. But it's hard for josh and I to talk.. With him being cursed and my hormones. This one time, I sat in the corner of our room crying that he didn't love me enough. A smile creeps up on my face, "oohh what you smiling about?" Asked my nosy friend. "Just when I was extremely hormonal." I simply answer back. She smiles and nods, "I was like that to. Haha I feel bad for Ted. I was a real bitch when it came to him." I laugh and walk up to the cash register. While the cashier checks out our items, I day dream.

Just Blake, josh, the baby boy, and I. Well, who couldn't forget our huge pack. With all the births at our hospital, we had to add an other story. Causing the hospital to look even bigger. Lost in my thoughts I was interrupted by a familiar voice telling me to go. Snapping back into reality, it was meg. She was pushing me with her big stomach. "Hey watch it!" I growl at her. She gives me a cheesy smile and starts walking. Once we get to the car I load everything into the trunk as she gets into the drivers seat. Slipping into the door, I buckle myself up. Or.. At least try. Meg watches in amazement as I struggle to put the belt under my swollen stomach. After fussing around for a couple minutes with it, I give up. Frustrated I growl. Meg smiles and starts the car. "Don't worry Milly. You won't have that huge stomach for long." She reassures me with a wink. I smile and lean my head on the window. Yup, I'm due any time now. Resting my hand on my stomach, I relax and think about finally being able to touch my baby boy.

BBBBBBEEEEEEEPPPPP! I open my eyes, as I do I see a huge trailer about to smash into us. "MEG PULL OVER!" I scream. "I CAN'T! THE CAR WON'T MOVE!" We both scream at the same time, as the trailer smashes into our windshield. The air bag erupts as my head hits the air bag, I look down groggiling at my stomach. It was now flat.. I look between my legs. There was blood. I touch the blood, as it drips down my hands I Scream.

"Mia? Mia!" I feel arms shaking me awake. Opening my eyes, I see Blake in front of me with a concern look on his face. "Wh? What?" I ask adjusting myself in the seat. "Mom, when you two drove in I heard you screaming. Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head fast. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just tired.." I answer back trying to get out of the car. "Woah mom, be careful." Blake reaches his hand down towards me and helps me out of the car. I make my way up stairs to my room where I lay down and stare up at the celing fan. Man, that was a bad dream..

I hear the door slowly creak open and a small black nose wiggling its way inside. "HI BEAR!" I shout. A huge dog bangs the door open and jumps up on the bed. I smile and cooe at his cuteness. He was like a son to me. "Who's a good boy? Huh? Who's mommas good boy?" I ask in a weird voice. He howls and jumps up licking my face. "Where's Ann boy?" I ask. He had a plain look on his face. "Go get Ann buddy!" I tell him. His mouth opens and he starts panting. "Go get her bear!" He jumps up and runs out of the room. I stare at the door for awhile waiting for the return of Bear. Hearing the jingle of two collars, I know who it is. Two muscular pit bulls come racing into our room. They both jump up on the bed with tails wagging uncontrollably. Laying back, I stare once again at the ceiling. I close my eyes and imagine my mate by my side. Feeling his warmth.

'Run.' My wolf commands me. I growl, 'No! Doctor Amanda said its bad to shift while pregnant, it could hurt the baby.' My wolf whimpers, 'But I wanna run.' 'For the last time, we are not going for a run and that is final!' I tell her with a stern voice... In my head..

'Ugh! But Josh's wolf always gets to come out but I gotta stay locked inside your head! We haven't ran for 5 months!' She cries. I roll my eyes, 'Well, josh isn't pregnant is he?' I ask with a cocky voice. She gives me a mad puff of air then leaves me alone. Just in that time, I realize I'm in pain. "Ow.." I whisper touching my stomach. The pain grows more intense. "Ow!" I shout louder. I could feel the baby moving. Ann whimpers at my voice. "Go get daddy!" I order them. They both go running out of the room. I roll on my side as the pain increases. "Ahhh fuck!" I moan. Soon, josh comes into the room. "What do you want?" He asks with an annoyed voice. "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE IM ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH, I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE!" I shout at him. He was shocked at what I said but picked me up and ran. I could feel something wet come out from between my legs. "Gross did you just pee on me?!" Josh shouts with a disgusted look on his face. I punch his shoulder. "My water broke dumb ass." I whisper in pain. He doesn't say anything else.

We finally arrive at the hospital. I was taken to a room and gently set down on a bed. A nurse put an IV in my arm. "Ow fuck!" I moan as the medicine goes into my arm. Just then Doctor Amanda came into the room and sat on a slidy chair, scooting it over to my feet she puts on some gloves and touches my stomach.

"Alright, it looks like your 10 inches dilated.. Lets get ready to deliver this baby!"

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