Rouges 2 (chapter 28)

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Josh's pov;

When Ted and Meg jumped out the window Mia yelled at me, "What the fuck josh!" She screams, shoving me. "You don't need to tell everyone!" i shouts. She rolls her eyes, "whatever, lets go find them.." She opens the door and walks down the hall way. I keep walking with her until we get outside.

When we do, we both start running.

After a couple minutes we get to where they're scent was coming from. Figures they were by the waterfall..

Once we get they're we apologize. We hear a growl and I turn around..

There we see six werewolves.. All brown. I shove Mia behind me as Ted does the same. We all shift on the spot. We get into attack position and I mind-link Mia's dad, 'Rouges are here. Alert everyone and protect the members. Tell the doctor to be ready in case any of us get hurt.'

'Yes alpha.' He response.

I hear a growl as a rouge jumps and tackles Meg down. Ted looses it. He jumps after the wolf and chews on its shoulder. The wolf responses back by scratching him on the snout.

I lost track of what happened after a wolf jumped on me and chewed on my ear. I let out a high pitched Shriek and scratch the wolves chest, leaving deep puncture wounds in him. Blood started gushing out of the holes as he fell down. I took the opportunity to get on him and get a good grip on his throat. I squeeze my jaws together. The wolf cries out in pain and starts kicking his paws on the ground.

The more he moves, the harder I tighten. Before I could slam my jaws together, I felt a wolf jump on my back and claw at me. I howl in pain and loose my grip on him.

I jump off him and turn to the wolf. It growled and clawed at the ground, challenging me to go at him. I run towards him and claw at his neck. He falls down to the ground, dead.

I turn to see what was happening. Ted and Meg were both killing a wolf.

I look around and see Mia, she was pinned down by a dark brown wolf.

I jump after the wolf and tackle it, we roll for awhile until I get off him. He pears at me, with evil eyes.

My wolf was pawing at me to get out, so why not? I let my wolf take over.

When my wolf lets me take over my body I was standing over a dead wolf. The first thing that came to my mind was.


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