Daddy?! (Chapter 29)

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Mia's pov;

All of us killed the rouges. I was guessing Josh's wolf took over.. He was.. More aggressive.

When he stopped chewing on the wolves neck he looked up at me. Yup, josh was back.

He looked around, worried. "You okay?" I ask him, walking neck to his side. He licks my neck and nods. We all shift and stand there awkwardly.

The thought came to my mind.. The pack.

I look up from the ground, "Guys, we gotta go check on the pack." They all nod and we Start running to the house.

After a couple minutes of running we finally reach the house... It looked horrible.. There were dead, bloody bodies everywhere.. I shift and start smelling the bodies. Only two were from our pack, only one was dead. The other, injured and being taken to the hospital. I run inside to see everyone.

I look around and see my mom pacing in the kitchen, chewing on her nails. It always was a bad habit of hers that she passed down to me.

"Mom!" I shout, she looks up from her nails and sighs, "Mia! Baby, your okay!" I smile and run towards her. She wraps her arms around me and presses my head on her stomach. I dig my face into her and sigh, breathing in her scent. She smelt like cherries.

I let go of her and look up, "where's dad?" I ask her, moving away a little.

Tears start to form in her eyes, "He.. He told me he was going to find you and.. He never came back." Tears start pouring out of her eyes.

"Mom, stay here." I tell her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She nods and sits down. I run over to find josh, I couldn't find him.

'Josh where are you?!' I shout through mind-link.

'In the back with Ted.'

I run to where his scent was coming from.

There he was. In the backyard, putting his finger on a wolves neck.

Once he hears me he turns around, "Are you okay?" He asks me walking towards me.

"My dads missing." He stares at me. "Have you tried mink-linking?" He asks me.

Fuck! How stupid could I be?!

'Dad..' I mink-link him.

'Mia!' He shouts, almost bursting my ear drums.

'Where are you?' I demand. He was silent for a moment. 'Dad are you there?!' I shout. The connection was lost..

I look up at josh, he was staring at me the whole time. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. "Josh, we gotta find him.." Now, tears were racing down my cheeks.

Josh comes closer and cups my chin in his hand, "Shh, Mia, baby, don't cry.. We'll find him."

I sigh. I can't loose my dad..

I nod, "I wanna look for him now." Josh nods and shifts. He starts sniffing around, he was going North, South, East and.. He howled and turned to look at me, I saw his eyes sparkling I smile and shift. I walk over to his side, I could smell my dad.

'Mom, we got dads scent. We're gonna go and find him.'

'Yes! Baby, be careful, please.'

'I will.' She doesn't answer back. I turn around and look at Ted, "I know, I know, protect the pack." He says rolling his eyes.

I smile and turn to josh. He was waiting for me. I nod and we start running.

We gotta find my dad..

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