Moving on

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Eli's POV

Time to move on.

I am glad that Anton did not bother me anymore since he called me about the car. Maybe he just wants to keep his promise that he will help me acquire one with a good price. He never attended any of the meeting about the project. It is always Dan who comes around. Maybe he went back now to Brixton City. I hope he will not come back anymore until we finish the project.

I accepted John's invitation for a dinner date. For the first time I did not hesitate coming with him. I think it is about time to open myself to possibilities. How will I know if I will not try?

For two years I kept myself in the dark. I did not entertain any idea when it comes to love. I was deeply hurt. I let time heal me. I think it is about time to help myself be healed.

Anyway it is clear with John not to expect anything from me from the start and we are both enjoying our friendship as of now. We can start from there.

"Time to have a break Eli. We have been working too much lately." John help me sit on my chair. We are dining again in the Italian restaurant near my favorite park. He invited me again for a walk in the park before coming here. He knows that I usually do it to remove my stress and to relax.

"Glad we have a lot of projects. Mrs. Finnon will be delighted." I winked at him. He sat in front of me and we start looking at the menu. "I think I will eat much today. You did not allow me to get my usual ice cream and corn dog."

"We should try their desserts this time. Last time you are complaining how full you are. It is your fault, you ate ice cream and corn dog first." He laughs.

"it's your birthday treat and I should choose what I want." I tease him. Looking at John who has always been there for me, I am thinking why not give us a chance. But this time I will take it slow. I will not rush to things like before. I don't like to end up broken hearted again nor I want to break John's heart.

The waitress came to take our orders.

"I will order for you," he insisted, "I plan to feed you much last time but you ruin it so let's get those now."

"Okay, you win. Anyway, I am very hungry today." I am shaking my head as he ordered much from appetizer, to main course, to desserts.

"My mom was looking for you during the picnic. She really likes you."

He tries to bother my conscience again.

"I like her too. She's a very kind woman. Your whole family is adorable."

"So I am the only one left not adorable and you don't like." His eyes are serious and he is looking me directly in my eyes seeking for answers I can't tell yet.

"Tell me Eli....."

"It's not what you think John," I try to cut him. He might think low of himself because I don't like him.

"You are adorable John believe me. I like you. I really do. It's just that I just can't give you yet something more than that."

"Why. Eli?" he looks at me searching more answers. Perhaps I can tell some part of my story. This is John. I know I can trust him. At least I can relieve the bad ideas he has for himself.

"John, two years ago I had this relationship and it did not go well." I sigh. I touched my chest looking for the pendant of the necklace which I usually hold whenever I feel anxious or sad. I remember I finally decided to remove it a while ago. It is safely kept now in my purse.

"When I came here in Aylow City I was deeply broken, shattered into pieces. I feel so low. To cope up, I put my mind and my heart in my work. I am not yet ready for anything. I don't want to use you just to forget him."

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