02 | Goodnight & Sweet Dreams

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G o o d n i g h t  &   S w e e t   D r e a m s

IT WAS A sunny day in Forks, so naturally, the Cullens did not attend school. Direct sunlight caused their porcelain skin to glisten, as if a trillion tiny diamonds were encrusted into their skin. While it was better than the commonly believed tale where vampires caught fire and burned to ashes in the sunlight, the alternative trait was much too risky and absurd for humans to see.

Adele Cullen relaxed in an armchair to the far right of her large bedroom with a novel open on her lap. She had not told anyone about her nightmares for fear that they would treat her differently, so she only slept every so often because it was easier to conceal. While Carlisle suspected something was wrong – he knew his daughter too well – he knew not to pry. She had proven countless times in saving Edward from his reckless antics and Jasper from his bloodlust rampages that she was independent and could very well take care of herself. So while they knew something was troubling her, they knew she would come to them if she felt she needed them.

About half way into her novel, Adele heard the television turn on from the first floor and all in a matter of seconds, her book was back on the shelf and she zipped into the living room to take her place on the edge of one of the sofas. Soon everyone was in the living room and Emmett cranked up the volume from his place on the sofa. They were watching the news, where a reporter informed their viewers of the untimely death of a fisherman. The cause of death was said to have been an animal attack, but the Cullensknew better. In Forks, animal attacks always translated to a vampire attack.

"We have another coven in town." said Adele.

"It's seems so." Carlisle sighed, "And they are not being discreet about their arrival."

"Do you think we have rogues on our hands?" questioned Edward, looking at them with his hands clasped together.

"No." Adele shook her head, "No, they're not rogues. If they were, we would have more deaths on our hands."

"I agree." said Jasper. He was an expert when in came to rogue and newborn vampires.

"Hopefully they're just passing through." Esme chimed in optimistically. Everyone turned back to the television apprehensively except Adele, who glanced out of the window the view the twilight sky.

"I'm going to bed." Adele sighed. She did not want to think of rogue vampires or annoying humans anymore.

After she bid them goodnight, she retreated to her bedroom and shut the door. She crawled under her covers and pulled them over her. Owing to the fact that she did not close her curtains, she gazed past the glass walls that shaped her room into the darkened woods outside. Just as she allowed her mind to wander with the wind that brushed the leaves on the trees, she drifted off to sleep – but it was not a dreamless slumber....


Carlisle Cullen awoke from his excruciating transition at last. It was early morning when he opened his eyes and tuned into the eerie silence around him. The sun sent streak of yellow and orange across the navy sky as it slowly arose. As he propped himself up onto his elbows, he felt the rough gravel of the pressing against into his porcelain flesh.  He was in the exact same spot he passed out in three days prior. No one – not the neighbors who knew them nor dear friends they had offered safe haven to once before – came to their aid. And it hurt.

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