07 | These Violent Delights

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New Moon
T h e s e V i o l e n t D e l i g h t s...
(H a v e V i o l e n t E n d s)


ADELE CULLEN WAS returning to Forks after three months away from her family. A week following the junior prom, she left the house with packed bags and told them all that she was going away for some alone time and peace and quiet. Carlisle wasn't suspicious of anything until the others told him what was wrong with her — why couldn't she have some time for herself?

The Autumn air was damp and the many leaves were crisp as Adele drove down the familiar road towards the high school. The sky was a dull gray and looked as thought it was going to open up at any minute — so in other words, it was the perfect day for the Cullen's to go to school. The best part was that they didn't know she was coming. She pulled up into the parking lot, humbled to see her spot empty, and got out of her car wearing a grey fitted trench coat and heeled boots — she never disappoints. The rest of the students were heading into the building for early classes. She leaned against the back of her car and watched from the sidelines as Edward crossed the lot to reach Bella Swan as she talked to her mundane friends. At least two dozen pairs followed him as he went.

Edward took his time crossing the lot so he could hear their conversation. Adele also listened in and her red rouged lips formed a thin line. Mike Newton seemed to be most displeased of the lot as Bella smiled in his direction, "Oh good. Cullen's here." and he didn't bother to hide his distaste.

"Yay." Jessica said dryly. Angela and Eric gave her small shrugs and the uncomfortable group bid her farewell as Edward approached. Eric murdered under his breath, "Check ya later." and followed them away.

Bella frowned at them as they left but hugged Edward as he reached her. Adele made a beeline towards them and Edward, catching her scent, looked in her direction and smiled – he didn't know she was back. Instead of a hug or hello, Adele crossed her arms at Bella, "I know us vampires are cool and all, as you teens would say, but don't pull away from your human friends. They don't deserve it."

"Oh..." she shoved her hands in the pockets of her parka and frowned, "I guess I didn't realize I was."

"Yeah, you are." Edward agreed as he had read their thoughts, "They are pretty upset about it, too."

Adele examined the brunette. She hadn't changed bit. Maybe her wavy hair was longer, but she still stood awkwardly where ever she went as if she felt out of place in the world. Her sense of fashion also didn't improve. "By the way, Happy birthday."

Her face fell. Although she only turned eighteen today, she looked at it like she was one year older than Edward himself was when he was turned into a vampire. "Don't remind me."

"Your birth is definitely a day to celebrate." he argued because he knew what she was thinking – he didn't need to read her mind to know how badly she wanted to be a vampire.

"Not for me."

Adele nodded, "Eighteen is a little early to be worrying about your age."

Bella looked at her boyfriend with a frown, "It's one year older than you."

"Bella, I'm ninety." Edward laughed and Adele chuckled phlegmatically – you can in no way compare your age to mine, Edward. He flashed his eyes at her and smirked.

"True." she chuckled dryly, "Maybe I should be creeped out that I'm dating such an old guy."

They began to walk across the lot and Adele grinned, "Yes, it's the age that is creepy and not the fact that you are dating a bloodsucking vampire." Chuckling along, the couple shared a good passionate kiss and when they pulled away, he draped his arm cooly around Bella. His good mood dissipated as Adele's mouth formed a thin line – she sensed something he didn't. And then seconds later, they smelled the overwhelming scent of a budding shapeshifter – Jacob Black was nearby.

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