38| A Mother's Rage

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Breaking Dawn   [Pt.1]
A   M o t h e r ' s    R a g e

AFTER HALF AN hour of coaxing Asa to sleep, he was slumbering peacefully in his crib as a soft  lullaby hummed from his baby monitor. It was quite funny to see Adele use all of her stealth to quietly slip out of the room without waking him. She left the door open just a crack and walked next door to Max's bedroom. She heard a tiny little cough from Max, telling her that she was still awake, and opened her door to see her sitting up in bed. She was holding her teddy bear, patiently waiting for Adele to kiss her goodnight.

When she walked in, Max pulled her pillow down and lay down as Adele knelt to the height of the bed.

"Mommy, I miss Daddy." Max frowned into her golden irises. They were always so loving and protective – she'd recognize them anywhere, even in a dark room full of all the Cullens. 

Adele's already shattered heart dropped in her chest and the sharp shards cut everything in it's path.she sighed. What could she say to her little girl without telling her that her daddy chose his friends over his daughter? "I know, darling. I am sorry."

"Is he mad at me?"

"No. No, Max, he is not. Never, ever think that. Daddy loves you." She couldn't explain why he chose his pack over her. Children came before anything and everything, even in the darkest of times, but he made no effort to reach out. He could have called her to speak to Max, to let her know that he wasn't gone because of her, but he didn't. That hurt the most. "He just...He needs to take care of his own problems for now. Do you understand?"

Max nodded and with a frown, Adele pulled the blankets over her. Max hugged her stuffed bear and looked up at Adele as she kissed her forehead. "Mm, you're warm. Do you feel alright?" She was too warm – a fever, most likely. Max shrugged. "If you don't feel good and you need me, just call me, alright? Goodnight darling."

"Goodnight, Mommy."

Adele switched off her bedside lamp and the room was flooded with darkness, lit only by a fairy-shaped night light plugged in at the other side of the room – Paul got that for her. With a heavier heart than she had when she first walked in, she left Max's room, leaving the door open just a bit.

Tonight was not a night where she was going to sleep, so she decided to spend some time downstairs while her children slept. She walked into the living room t find most of the Cullens watching over a sleeping Bella, who had one frail, bony hand over her swollen belly. Edward looked pained, but Adele couldn't blame him. He was watching his mate die a slow and painful death.

"Rose?" Adele spoke quietly to the blonde reading a book on the opposite sofa. "Can you listen for the kids if they wake up? I will be back."

Edward and Carlisle both looked up.

"Where are you going?" Edward asked as he thought she was going to leave the house.

Sam Uley's pack, including Paul, were staked out in the depths woods surrounding the Cullen house and had been for days now. It was the reason why none of the Cullens had gone out hunting. The wolves would be ready to attack only at the right moment as they knew they were out-numbered.

"Out back."

Ignoring the hostile perimeter of wolves around her home, she walked through the house to get into the inside of the spacious garage, which housed most of their luxurious cars.  She entered a code into the keypad to open the garage door, snatched up a large camping tent as if it weighed nothing, and ventured to the back of the house where Jacob, Leah, and Seth sat at a picnic table. She set it down, untied it, and then began to set it up.

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