27 | The Engagement

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T h e  E n g a g e m e n t

THERE ARE SOME women who look good in diamonds and some women who make diamonds look good, so when Paul Lahote greeted Adele on the doorstep of her house, he knew she was the second kind. With a petite diamond necklace laying on her bosom to accesorize her knee-length black dress, she looked all the more breathtaking to him as she humbly accepted the wine he brought as a gift. She decided against reminding him that although this was a dinner party, only he and Bella would really be eating.

"You look..."

"Beautfiul?" she teased.

"No, beautiful is a lazy and lousy way to describe you, Miss Cullen." He smiles smoothly. "Stunning, breathtaking, those would do."

"Kiss-up." She rolled

Esme joined her side at the door and smiled sweetly at them, wiping her hands on a new dish towel. She, too, wore a dress: royal blue with a hearty neckline and a simple silver chain around her neck to add character.

"Oh, hush. I think he's very sweet." She happily took the bottle of wine from Adele and appraised it. "Cabernet Sauvignon," she smiled, "You have great taste."

"I wouldn't know. In my day, there weren't brands of wine. It came straight from the barrel after coming off of the vine." Adele chuckled as they led Paul into the house.

Emmett emerged from the living room and guffawed. "How does it feel to date an older woman?"

Paul only grinned back at him. They were on friendly terms, but no more could be said about it.

Adele laughed curtly. "How does it feel to get kicked in the ankle?"


She delivered a swift kick to his ankle with her heels and led Paul along as her brother groaned. Rosalie high-fived her on the way down the hall and joined Jasper and Emmett in the living room.

They entered the kitchen where Esme joined Carlisle in preparing the food.
Everyone hoped that this dinner would help them get to know Paul as he was a big part of Adele's life, even though the dinner was Bella and Edward's idea. Adele, who had read her brother's mind, knew that the purpose of the dinner was to announce their engagement, but she played dumb the whole way through.

"Nice to see you again, sir." Paul shook Carlisle hand and he chuckled at his formalities. "I want to thank you again for what you did for me after the battle."

"It was nothing." Carlisle smiled humbly. His fondness of the young man grew from the moment he complimented his daughter at the door. "And call me Carlisle."

"Got it."

Bella and Edward arrived a few minutes after Paul. After an hour of chatting and gettinf to know Paul, dinner was ready. Everyone watched a classic film in front of the television as the humans ate. 
When the film ended and both Paul and Bella ate their fill, Edward nervously cleared his throat.

"Bella and I have an announcement to make..."

Bella smiled and brushed her lengthy brown locks from her face. Slowly, she brought her left hand up to show off the huge engagement ring on her finger. "We're engaged!"

At first, everyone blanched. Then, as the realization that they'd be adding another member to the family sunk in, they all cheered happily and went to congratulate them -- except Rosalie, Adele, and Paul. Rosalie looked wearily at the new couple as Paul stared at them, trying his best to mask his discomfort. Bella -- turning a human -- vampire -- treaty being broken -- pack will be pissed -- problems -- what do I do? -- what do I say --

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