13 | A Sister's Keeper

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New Moon
A   S i s t e r ' s   K e e p e r


IT WAS A chilly Autumn night and Madeline and her mother were in front of the furnace. Rosaline was knitting on her lap and ten-year-old Madeline sat in a cross-cross position on the rug, practicing her scripture like always. Her mother looked up from her knitting and peered over her shoulder, "Loop your 'L', sweetheart."

"Yes, mother." she muttered, obliging. She smiled down at her daughter as if she knew something but didn't want to say. Not just yet. They just finished supper only moments ago and now waited for Carlisle to come home.

Madeline's paternal grandfather, Sebastian Cullen, was out teaching her father to hunt vampires. He insisted Carlisle get into the family business since his years were now limited as he grew older.

"Let me see your lines, sweetheart." she said as Madeline finished. As her mother checked them over, Madeline rose and walked over to the window to see if her father was walking the trail yet.

"Mother, when is father coming home?" She sighed, clearly a victim of boredom.

"Any minute now." Surely enough, Carlisle appeared from the tree line and strolled down the path. Carlisle usually walked home with Grandpa Sebastian, but tonight he walked alone. When he reached the door and unlocked it, Madeline beamed and hugged him. He returned her embrace, lifting her off of the ground, and then set her back down on the floor.

Rosaline stood to greet him but noticed something was wrong, "Honey? What is the matter? Where is Seb–" But once she saw the sullen look on his face, her hands flew to her mouth and she rushed over to him and hugged him.

He bowed his head, "He was showing me how to set up the traps but we did not know the vampires were waiting for us. We...we walked in on an ambush."

"How did you escape?!"

"They let me go..." He sighed, "They said I was innocent....that it was my father who did wrong by them."

"I'm sorry, Daddy." Madeline hugged him sympathetically. She wasn't close with her grandfather because he wasn't entirely fond of children. They all sat down – Rosaline sat in a wicker chair and Carlisle sat opposite of her, with Madeline on his lap.

"I suppose tonight would be the worst night to tell you both..." Rosaline muttered.

Carlisle looked at her questioningly, "Tell us what, darling?"

"No, no." she shook her head and picked up her knitting again, "Tonight...it's a night to mourn your father. I cannot–"

"–Please tell us, mother." Madeline pleaded, dying to know what she had to tell them. She couldn't tell whether it was good news or bad news.

When Carlisle nodded for her to continue, a smile slowly formed on her face, "I'm pregnant."

"Are you certain?" Carlisle asked, not daring to show his excitement until he knew for sure.

Rosaline nodded, smiling wider, "Yes. I've seen all of the signs. I'm pregnant. Our second child, Carlisle!" She laughed happily.

Carlisle beamed and got up to hug his wife, kissing her all over until her reach her stomach and felt it gently. "This is wonderful!"

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