09 | Madeline

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New Moon
M a d e l i n e

IT WAS AROUND noon the next day when Adele finally reached cross the border into Michigan, and it took another hour for her to reach her family's home up in the mountains. The fairly modern house was a couple miles from their cousins, the Denali Coven. The ground was covered in a thin sheet of January snow and it slushed everywhere as she pulled her car into the paved driveway. She was immediately greeted by Carlisle and Alice at the door and as she entered, she noticed a fire burning behind the glass doors of the fireplace. Jasper and Rosalie turned around as she entered and greeted her enthusiastically. Esme and Emmett came in from another room to greet her.

Rosalie smiled at her. She really missed her sister. "Are you back for good?"

"No, I'm heading back to the house as soon as possible," she shook her head and observed the room. They sat on a large tan-colored leather sofa which were paired with two matching love-seats and a large cherry-wooden coffee table. Resting in the center was a vase of peonies and the sweet smell lingered about the room.

"No. I'm going back." she shook her head and set her jaw. "And I need to visit Bella once in a while – she was a complete wreck before I got there." If Edward was there, she'd be glaring holes into his skull.

Alice's expression hardened and she looked at persistently at Carlisle, "We need to go back, Carlisle." By the defiant looks on their faces, Adele realized she must've stumbled into an ongoing argument between her father and Alice. She was always close with Bella and yearned to go back and help her like Adele was doing. Carlisle wasn't having it – he inisisted on keeping his coven safe. Bella is a member of this coven, though Adele.

Emmett sat beside Rosalie on the couch and subtly nodded in agreement, whereas Rosalie didn't bother to hide her annoyance. Esme had a faraway look in her eyes and Jasper stared solemnly into the fire – he could feel the various emotions of everyone in the room and Alice's frustration bothered him most. He was also still ashamed for not fighting harder beside Alice when she argued against leaving Bella behind. Edward parted ways with them after they left Bella so he could wallow in his misery on his lonesome. Good, thought Adele, the coward deserves it.

"No." he shook his head but it took much self-restraint to keep to his word, "We promised Edward."

"Edward is a miserable coward and he's wrong about this." Adele spat. Esme pursed her lips. She was surprised to see that the brother and sister who were once so close were now at this place in time.

"But she's not doing well without us." she reasoned, "I get flashes of her, but they're unclear–"

"Forget her," Rosalie cut in, "Let's drag Edward home."

Esme shook her head and crossed her arms, moving from the doorway. "He'll come back when he's ready." then she sighed. "After Bella moves on."

"Yes." Carlisle agreed and put a comforting arm around her. "When she's living her life, safe from danger–"

With self contempt, Jasper cut in, "–You mean safe from us." He'd grown to like Bella when he got past his bloodlust and actually found her pretty funny. He liked how she made Edward feel. Alice wrapped her small arms around him.

Rosalie turned to Alice expectantly, "And when will that be?"

Adele set her jaw, "That is what you don't seem to understand! She is not going to move on!" she shrieked, "I've seen her! I've read her thoughts! She's was freaking catatonic for all means and purposes until I got through to her! It's not some normal breakup – they are mates and she felt their bond snap when he abandoned her!"

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