42 | The Imprinting

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Breaking Dawn   [Pt.1]
T h e   I m p r i n t i n g

AFTER SIX DAYS of sitting at her bed-ridden daughter's bedside, where all she could do was look helplessly down at the many tubes in her arms, Adele came home to relax for a few hours and spend some time with baby Asa. After she took a hot and steamy shower and changed into fresh clothes – a simple blouse, dark jeans, and heels – she joined her sisters in the living room. They were discussing names for Bella's baby, now that Adele had revealed the gender to them. They came up with a bunch of names that she didn't much care for, but it was a welcome distraction nonetheless.

"Marie?" Alice suggested.

"Marielle...?" Rosalie shrugged.

Both names earned a sour face from Bella, who sat in silence for a moment as she wracked her brain for a name she could possibly like. "You know what, I can't think of anything..." She looked at the blonde sitting cross-legged beside Rosalie. It was still breathtaking to see such devastatingly beautiful women next to each other. "I think Adele should decide."

Adele, who was busy thinking about her silver wolf hiding in the trees, turned her head and blinked at her. "I beg your pardon?"

"I think it's only fitting, even if it is just an idea." Bella smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "Unless, you don't want to...?"

"I did not say that." Adele sat up, as if contemplating it, and the three women grinned at how her spirits lifted just a fraction. She pursed her red-rouged lips and thought about it for a long moment before. "Why not merge the names of both of your mothers and fathers?"

"How?" Alice raised an eyebrow. She liked the quirky idea.

"Renee and Esme.....Carlisle and Charlie." Bella muttered to herself. After a few moments of anticipation she thought of it and a grin spread across her face as she blurted out, "Renesmee!"

Rosalie blanched. "What?"

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen." She smiled contently. That was her name. "That's it."

As if that name wasn't enough to  raise eyebrows, Edward and Jacob walked into the room and shared the same furtive grins on their faces, as if sharing some private joke. While things between Edward and Adele were on the mend, they weren't on the small-talk stage yet, so she stepped out of the room to call the hospital and see how Max was doing.

Esme, Carlisle, and Emmett had risked going out hunting, leaving the rest of the women, the egotistical Edward, and the shapeshifter to watch over Bella. Jasper was watching baby Asa upstairs, far away from Bella and the cup of blood.

"This is pretty important, Bella." Said Rose as she and Alice reluctantly helped Bella up. Bella grabbed the cup of blood from the table on her way. "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?"

Jacob groaned. Bella's decisions have been shitty this far. This earned a chuckle from Adele. "What now?"

"Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby name." Alice chirped. She sort of  liked the name Renesmee – or at least, she could get used to it. After all, this baby was extraordinary and needed a name to mirror that.

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob grinned just to see Rosalie's famous glare.

"It's not that bad." Bella said with a small frown. "At first, I thought if it's a boy, E.J. – for Edward Jacob."

"Okay, fine, that one's not awful." said Edward.

"But since Adele told us that it was a  girl, she gave me the idea of playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme." Bella continued as the men looked accusingly at Adele, who shrugged nonchalantly from the hallway with her phone between her ear and shoulder.  "And I was thinking... Renesmee."
Edward laughed.

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