17 | Rosalie's Story

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R o s a l i e ' s   S t o r y

THE NEXT MORNING was eerily quiet and the silence, in its own odd way, was deafening. It was nine o'clock in the morning and Adele usually awoke at seven o'clock. Almost everyone was seated in the living room, remaining completely silent as they tried to listen for any sign of life in her bedroom. They knew she was home – they could hear her sobbing underwater during her late night bath last night.

They only heard her move once and all sounds ceased after that. She had a wooden deck attached to her bedroom – a deck she rarely used – but for the past few hours, she lay on the floor, staring at the bright sky above her.

They were worried. She hadn't shown any sign of being depressed or angry and they figured that maybe last night's discussion of the Volturi triggered some catastrophic emotions. But Alice didn't get it – she faced the Volturi like a badass. Why would that bother her?

Rosalie was the first to break the silence, "Someone should go check on her." Seeing as they could hear her, she could hear them.

They all looked at each other until Esme stood and put her hand soothingly on Carlisle's chest before speeding upstairs. She stood outside of Adele's door and took in an unnecessary breath. She knocked on the door, "Adele?"

There was no reply. On the other side of the door, Adele lay completely silent. She knocked again and she sighed, "Come in." Esme softly opened the door and closed it behind her. She quietly looked around the room, only to see through the glass wall that Adele was laying on the deck. She walked through the open doorway and knelt beside her. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Adele didn't remove her gaze from the scenery above her and remained quiet. Esme patiently waited for her to say something, anything, and after a moment of silence, Adele turned her head and her golden eyes met Esme's. "You remind me of her, you know." she said it so airily, "My mother."

Esme bowed her head and then looked back at Adele who returned to her previous task. Esme truly felt sorry for the young woman. Adele may have been intelligent, protective, and even authoritative, but Esme saw past the facades. She saw a lost girl who lost her mother at a very young age. "I'm lost, Esme." she sighed, "I have been so caught up in helping everyone that I have lost my way. I do not know what I want any more." No, that's a lie. I want love. I want happiness.

Esme was at a loss for words. Adele just told her she reminded her of her mother. She always felt that she had an obligation to guide Adele through hardships as a mother would. This was one of those hardships. "Don't mind me." Adele put her arms over her eyes to block out the sun that made Esme's skin glimmer like diamonds, "I shouldn't be putting this weight on your shoulders."

"No," she shook her head, "I want you to." Because you helped me once a long time ago and you were kind to me when you didn't have to be, when you shouldn't have been. Adele sighed as she remembered exactly what Esme was thinking about.

Adele Cullen, even after three centuries, never expected to create a Coven of her own. After witnessing the vindictiveness of the Volturi coven, she was against the idea – that was, until Carlisle turned Edward Masen, a young pianist who was dying from the Spanish Influenza. He partly did it with the hopes that Edward could be Adele's mate, but instead the two became best friends and she was his guide through their world of bloodlust and immortality.

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