05 | For the Love of a Brother

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F o r   t h e   L o v e   of    a   B r o t h e r



BELLA STORMED OUT of her father's house after packing all she could into a suitcase. She said very regrettable words to him and her eyes were stinging with tears as she jumped into her red pick-up truck and pulled out of the driveway. Charlie stared after her in the doorway, heartbroken and confused. She gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles turned purple, blinking back tears as she drove out of sight. A moment later, Edward's Jeep drove up from behind her at a quick speed and she glanced over to see that Adele was driving. She furrowed her eyebrows – where was Edward? – and shrieked as Edward appeared out of no where and held onto her door.

"Move over," he said. She hastily wiped away her tears with the back of her hands and shifted over, still gripping the steering wheel. He opened the door and took control of the driving. She jumped and screamed as Emmett leapt from the trees on the right side of the road and into the back trunk. Edward consoled her as Alice caught up with them from behind – it was like a human protection program.

They reached the Cullen house in the woods just outside of town in no time at all. Adele left the car first and listened all around for signs of unwanted visitors. James's thoughts were distant, but she could hear another unwanted guest's thoughts close-by – in fact, it was coming from inside the house. Adele narrowed her eyes as she saw Laurent and Carlisle talking at the front door. Stay in the car, Bella. Emmett and Adele sped to the front door as Alice exited her car and stayed outside Bella's car door.

Carlisle intervened before Emmett could crack his knuckles, "He came to warn us about James."

Laurent nodded and stared into Adele's piercing golden eyes as she sifted through his thoughts. Tracker – wild – James won't give up – sick game – never would've thought – "I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses – absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in three hundred years..." he explained, "And the woman, Victoria, will back him. Don't underestimate her."

"Wouldn't think of it." Adele replied smoothly, "No matter, I'm sure we will be meeting again very soon, aye?"

Laurent regarded her curiously and turned back to Carlisle, who nodded thankfully, "I'm truly sorry for what's been unleashed here." He disappeared like a blur into the woods. The others rushed Bella inside while Carlisle and Adele remained outside, thinking. Adele leaned against the wooden railing of the deck and sighed. Carlisle looked at her, "You're going with Bella, aren't you?" They decided it would be best to get Bella out of town and kill James when his undivided attention was on chasing her.

"Yes. I think it best–"

"–No need to explain it to me, honey." he gave her a wry smile, "I know why you are so determined to have no harm come to her or Edward."

She glanced at him, "I am determined to protect and help all of you." Carlisle hugged his daughter and then they joined the rest of the family in the garage. Everyone except Rosalie was frantically rushing to get supplies to pack into each of the four cars.

"I've had to fight our kind before." Jasper told Bella as she watched him pack hunting supplies by the bull. "We're hard to kill."

"But not impossible." Edward chimed in reassuringly, "We'll tear him up."

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