22 |Temperament

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T e m p e r a m e n t

FOR ALL ANYONE knew, Adele could have been murdering a half dozen people in her room with all of the noise she was making. Drawers and doors were being slammed, clothes were being strewn across the floor, and still she rummaged blindly through her room amid her anger.

Everyone tried their best to hide their chagrin and not look accusingly at Bella and Edward from breaking Adele. Only moments ago, when Adele was listening to Carlisle discuss battle strategy in the living room, the couple walked in and Edward announced that would be stepping back from the fight.

To be with poor, weak human Isabella. She scowled to herself. Not everything was about Bella Swan, but somehow Edward always managed to make it so. Two days ago when she had a fun night out with Paul, she was happy in a way she hadn't been for a long time. And then he went and ruined her happy mood by announcing to them that he was going to back out of the fight because he wanted to fulfill Bella's wishes.

Naturally, Adele was beyond simple words to describe the rage boiling in her blood. How dare she! How dare she such a thing of him! His entire coven and the Quileute pack were risking their lives to protect his mate, yet he was withdrawing from the fight because she was scared for him.

Edward opened her door and stared at her from the doorway. Her attitude was making his blood boil, which only angered her even more because he had no right to be angry in the situation. "Adele--"

"--Get out!" she hissed, glaring at him with a burning passion of a thousand suns. He'd best hope that she wouldn't find anything sharp in those drawers. He looked better with two ears.

"You're being unreasonable!" He  scowled and she slammed the top drawer to her nightstand shut. Emmett and Jasper lingered by the top of the stairs in case a fight broke out between them. The last fight the went down between any of them involved Rosalie and Edward, ans they ended up breaking a wall downstairs.

"Unreasonable? Are you fucking serious?" she shrieked, throwing her hands up. "Get out now or I will rip your arms from your body!"

From downstairs, Bella's heart raced as her human ears listened in faintly on the commotion two floors up. Edward's frustration grew as he heard his mate's distress and he growled at Adelem "Just listen to me!" She gritted her teeth and looked at him. "I know you're angry."

"That's the understatement of the year." Jasper muttered to Emmett.

Edward sighed and raked a hand through his bronze hair, giving her a pleading look. "Can you just do this for me just this once?"

Emmett sighed and threw his hands up. He was so not getting involved now. "Shit is about to go down."

Adele began to laugh, "Just -- just this once?!"

He backed out of her room as she stalked over to him. She grabbed his left ear and dragged him down the stairs with Emmett and Jasper in tow. As they passed the living room with Edward struggling within her grasp,
Bella gasped and moved to run to him, but Alice held her back and shook her head. This was their fight.

"She won't hurt him." she told her in a quiet voice, bewildered that she thought she would in the first place.

Adele slammed the front door open and threw Edward to the ground. He splayed out on the grass and took in a deep breath before he stood to face off with her.


"YOU KILLED JAMES!" Edward roared, balling his fists. "NOT ME!"

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