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WHEN IT RAINS, whether it be during the season of spring to help the colorful flowers bloom or in October the quench the thirsty old soul seeking to dance within it, Adele Cullen knew that there may not always be a rainbow to follow, but there would always be a brighter day.

Adele had become who she was on that very day because of all the rainy days she endured. She had lost so many who were dear to her, gained so many more, and even then Adele Cullen remained a beautiful mystery to those around her.

When the Volturi kings fled from the clearing after she had shown them her wrath, everything had fallen silent for her. Lovers embraced each other and families rejoiced in the snow. Bella and Edward were able to embrace their little girl again and Jacob celebrated the victory with his pack.

Madeline made her way toward her father and with every step she took, she felt gravity fight against her  until she was standing before him. And Adele stood in the middle of the clearing, just staring – staring at the snow and at the bright sky. Had she really done it? Had she really faced up to the demons of her own past? Only time would tell.

"You did good, Adela." A faint voice whispered in her head, "You did good."

Adele smiled then as she realized that  she had just triumphed over centuries of internal suffering. She had not succumbed to it as she always wanted to and she had saved her niece, her goddaughter, Renesmee, in the process. The wise Cullen turned around and many eyes followed her as she began walking towards them. Her gaze found Carlisle and Madeline who turned to her as she neared them.

Carlisle grabbed her and pulled her into an emotional hug akin to the one she'd gotten from him when she was bitten all of the centuries ago. He thought he'd almost lost her again. When he pulled away, he looked between his beautiful daughters. He never thought he'd ever seen Madeline again, much less grown up.

"How long had you known?"

"A few months." She grinned sheepishly. "You did not really think I would just give up, did you?"

Madeline regarded him wearily. She hadn't seen her father since she was a teenager and never thought she would again. All of her childhood memories came rushing back to her. "Are you angry...?"

Carlisle looked between them and as words failed him once again, he engulfed them both in a long-needed hug that rained closure down upon them. Esme stood a little ways away with happy tears in her eyes. She was  giving them their private moment. They were part of his life that she hasn't shared with him.

When they pulled away, Carlisle held his hand out to Esme who wiped her tears and took it. "Madeline, I would like you to meet Esme, my wife and mate–"

"–and my mother for all situations and purposes." Adele added sweetly. Esme was taken aback by her words and then a bright smile appeared on her face.

Madeline smiled kindly at Esme, who returned it. "So you are the Esmeralda  that my sister speaks so fondly of." This prompted more tears, "Thank you for taking care of her."

"Nonsense." Esme shook her head, looking between them. "Adele took care of us."

Adele smiled at them and then looked around for Paul. How could she have forgotten? She saw her mate walking towards her in human form and Madeline followed her gaze. "Is that him?"

"I will allow you two to get acquainted. I need to talk to someone."

Adele spoke as Paul caught up to them.  Adele walked over to Bella, Edward, and Renesmee as they conversed happily. When Renesmee spotted her, she smiled brightly and ran over to her.

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