31 | Maxine

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Breaking Dawn.   [Pt.1]
M a x i n e

IT WAS THE beginning of a new era for Adele Cullen, an era where she would become a mother. In the 1900s, if someone would have told her she would want to be a mother, she would have laughed in their faces and flipped them off. But there she sat nervously in front of her bureau, smoothing down her blonde curls in her greatest attempt to look casual but put-together at the same time.

"Nervous?" Paul stood in the open doorway with a small smile on his face. He wore a white tank top and his shorts. He was with Alice in the next room, building a doll house as she designed the interior.

She looked at him through the mirror and gave him a lopsided smile. "A little."

"You'll be great." He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She leaned into his touch. "She's going to love you."

There was a knocking on the door and they turned to see Edward standing awkwardly in the doorway. He looked at Adele. "Can we talk?"

"I'll see you later." Paul planted a kiss on her head and slipped out, giving the adoptive siblings privacy to talk.

"Did you just get back?" She asked him as he shut the door behind him. He and Bella went to visit her mother so the women could go wedding shopping.

"Yes. Bella with her mother and stepfather at a hotel on the edge of town. They'll be staying until after the wedding." He smiled then. "But that's not why I came in here. Carlisle and Esme told me about what you're doing-"

"-I was going to tell you. I just figured that with everything that's happened, there wasn't a right time." She stood from her chair and leaned against the bureau, her eyes glimmering with a spark of an old friendshuo they once had. He almost cracked a smike at that. "Now with your wedding, I didn't want to steal your spotlight, but..."

"I think Bella is perfectly okay with that." He joked and she cracked a grin. He sat down on her bed and she sat beside him. "Adele, I'm ecstatic for you. You're compassionate, loving and protective of your loved ones and you'll be an amazing mother." She smiled at his shower of compliments and avoided his gaze so as not to give into the sentimentalitg of the moment. "If I ever made you think that you couldn't express your feelings to me, I'm truly sorry."

"Thank you, Edward."

"You are always there for me and I will always be there for you, despite our rough patches and fights." He draped an arm around her and grinned. "So you go and start a family of your own. I cant wait to be the fun uncle."

"More like smoldering, brooding uncle, but I'll roll with that." She chuckled abd chevked her watch. She had to be at the orphanage in an hour, so she had to leave now to be on time. She made the meeting for noon, after all.

He followed her out of the room and they headed downstairs to where Carlisle and Esme awaited her. "Are you going now?" She nodded and they hugged her. "Good luck, Adele."

Not wanting to become more nervous than she already was, Adele left with that. The others were throwing a football around in the yard anyway. She made it to her car, set it in drive, and headed out onto the road.

"I'm really doing this." She said with a smile and didn't look back.

*       *       *

When Adele climbed out of her parked car and locked it behind her, the nerves set it. Her own body weight seemed to weight her down with every step she took and she stood a bit too long at the front door, gripping the handle, before she pulled herself together and entered.

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