28 | Beauty & the Beast

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B e a u t y   &   t h e   B e a s t

"MY FATHER CHANGED Edward in September of 1917 at the dying wish of his mother. They both fell victim to the Spanish Influenza, which Edward only survived because of the bite." Adele pursed her lips as Bella took in their surroundings. They sat beside each other in a large, aged movie theatre. By the looks of the building structure and golden crown moldings,  they were somewhere between the 1920s and 1930s. An old static-filled black and whute film was beinf projected, but as much as Bella strained her ears, she couldn't hear a thing except for Adele. "He was in denial at first, to say the least."

She looked at her. "He didn't accept being a vampire?"

Adele shook her head. "Edward was never truly happy. His biological father had not been involved in his life, so when my father changed him into one of us, he felt betrayed. He had viewed Carlisle as a father figure and when he found out what he was, he hated himself."

"And what he was...." She frowned. Edward didn't act like it, but he was so...broken inside.

"My father did not understand it at the time, but Edward desired to kill himself. I, however, understood him." She saw the pity flicker in her eyes and shook her off. She wasn't going to dive into that again. "So I told him it was his choice. If he wanted to end his life, I would allow him to do as he so desired."

Bella stood up abruptly, overcome with anger. "You what?!"

"You heard me." She rolled her eyes, sat back, and kicked her feet up on one of the feeble chairs in front of her. She acted as if suicide wasn't a big deal and it unnerved her. "Clearly, he did not go through with it. So let me continue." She snapped and Bella reluctantly sat back down. "Seeing that I understood him, he figured that we could help each other through our hard times."

Bella nodded, returning to examine the theatre. There weren't many people in the theatre and they all wore their best dress clothes. "All he told me was that you were there for him since the beginning, whatever that meant."

"That is true. I was always there for Edward. Especially when he needed me most."

"What about when Carlisle first turned him?" She turned towards her. She suddenly wondered what Charlie could hear from them in her bedroom.

"I was there for him then, yes, but it was only until around three years later that he went wild." She looked gravely at the fronr of the theayer where a young man sat, his short bronze hair covered by a hat. "He became rebellious and grew to hate what he was day by day. He didn't adapt to the vegetarian way of life, but instead drank human blood."

She blanched. Edward had never told her about the days when he went rogue. She always saw him as the role model for all vampires -- for her. "He killed people?"

Adele glanced sideways at her, her golden eyes gleaming in the darkness of the theatre. "Bella, do not tell me for one second that you ever thought that Edward had not killed a single soul in his life. Bloodlust drives our kind to insanity."

She bit her lip and blocked the thought of Edward murdering humans out of her head. Little did she know, she'd soon be seeing the same thing.

"Edward called it justified killing. He used his mind reading abilities to weed out the criminals and murderers." Her expression darkened. She never cleaned more blood off of her hands than when she cleaned up after Edward. "He was immature and naive."

"So what happened?"

"He went on his wild rampages for about a year and I was left to clean up his messes. He slaughtered so many and risked revealing our secret to the humans. I lost count of how many I had to compel memories away for."

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