06 | Of Fire and Ashes

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O f F i r e a n d A s h e s

THEY ARRIVED AT a hotel and checked in about an hour later. Bella thought if was much to fancy for only a couple hours stay. Alice pulled the blinds down and Jasper ordered many plates of food for Bella. Alice and Jasper stared blankly at the television from the sofa. Adele peered through the blinds discreetly, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. When Bella entered the room after taking a steamy shower, the girls looked up.

She frowned at the cell phone in her hand, "I wish he'd call."

Alice frowned and gestured to the food crowding the coffee table, "You should eat." Bella ignored it and sat down in the armchair across from them.

"They could get hurt. It's not worth it." She muttered anxiously, running a hand through her hair. Adele scowled and turned around again. It was worth it, true love and happiness is definitely worth it – she just didn't understand that yet.

Jasper looked at up from the television and for what seemed like the first time, he spoke directly to her, "It's worth it." Bella was surprised that he engaged with her considering he barely ever came near her out of fear of his blood lust. Did the car ride change something? Over the past month, Adele and Alice noticed he began to work harder to control his bloodlust. Maybe it had something to do with his abilities to alter emotions or maybe it was just him, but Jasper was a good brother to do that for Edward. "Edward's changed since he found you and none of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you." he turned his gaze back to the television, "It's worth it."

Bella wallowed in the silence that followed his soliloquy and turned to watch the silent television. Alice inhaled sharply and her golden eyes glazed over as she experienced a vision. Adele and Jasper were by her side in an instant. Bella found herself reacting last.

"Alice, what do you see?" Jasper put his hand on the small of her back. James – turning around – out of the woods – mirrors – wooden floors – ballet studio? – video camera – bloodlust –

"The tracker – he just changed course." her voice was laced with concern. Adele knew what to do; she grabbed a slip of paper and placed a pencil in her hand. Alice blindly took the pencil and starting drawing. Bella's eyes hurt as she tried to follow Alice's hand which moved across the paper like a tornado,leaving pencil lines in its wake.

Jasper furrowed his eyebrows as he tried analyzing the drawing in progress, "Where will it take him, Alice?"

"Mirrors." she said, "It's a room of mirrors."

"How do the visions work?" Bella inquired, "Edward said they weren't always certain."

Adele turned around, "She sees the course people are on, while the are on it. If they change their minds, the visions change."

Bella examined the paper as Alice snapped out of her vision and a look of recognition spread across her face. "So the course James is on now will lead him to a ballet studio?"

Alice looked up at her, furrowing her perfectly-shaped eyebrows, "You've been here?"

"I used to take ballet lessons as a kid." she traced her fingers over the penciled arches and mirrors."The school had an arch like that."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" questioned Jasper.

"Yeah, around the corner from my house. But I haven't been there in ten years." Adele delved into her mind and knew the places were the same. The mirrors were in the same places, the arches were the same.

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