Chapter One

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I picked up the last bag I had, sitting on the door step of my new fathers home. It took them , my mom and Pat, to get married after five years. It still feels weird to have my mom dating some new guy after dad died.

I followed mom into the car, and set my pillows beside me. Pat had agreed to move with us back to California, but only for a couple of years. Couldn't they see that is wasn't working out? Did they not get that this is my last year of high school, and I'm coming back after leaving for five years? I had to be homeschooled cause my mom couldn't find one descent school in Hawaii. No offense Hawaii.

And now, after high school I'll be off to college for four years while my new father and mother will be getting drunk in a hotel room, glad I'm off and making a living out of my life.

Did I mention I HATE my mother?

I mean how could she do this to me? After all the things we've been through, she's ready to find a new man only a month after my fathers death?

I still blame his death on her.

Yes, I know that's a huge thing to hold against some one, but I have every right to believe it.

See, my mom and dad were driving to come see me perform with my cheer team at Cheer Allstars Elite Competition in LA, California. They were halfway there when my mom decided they were running low on gas when in reality, the tank was full from previous stops. She got out of the car and and took out the gasoline, only to dump it "by accident" all over the car with my dad inside. She took the lighter she uses for her cigars and put the whole car in flames. The security camera outside the 7 11 caught it all on tape.. My mom hired so ridiculously rich lawyer to defend her case. She bought her way out.

So, point is, I hate my mother had haven't talked to her since the day I asked my mom what was happening when I got a call from the doctors. Literally, I haven't spoken a word to her unless nodding my head and shaking my head counts.

We arrived in Florida after a five hour flight. The airplane food was gross as always, but I managed to watch Blended and Jurassic World. Once we got back into our car and had all of our luggage together, I was more than happy to be back in my birth place. I know it seems cheesy, but I get attached to things too quickly.

Pat pulled into our old suburb, and this time pulled into a driveway where the old lady everyone called, Cat Hoarder used to live.

The SUV stopped and I hopped out to get my bags in the back. "Her Bella." Pat said, handing me my pillows and blankets. "Thanks.." I said, taking them.

I couldn't hold back the urge to smile. For once in those five years, I was happy, smiling, and bouncing off the walls.

I took the key from my mom and pushed open the front door. I've only been in here once, and that was when my child hood friend Chase dared me to steal one of her cats. I chickened out of course and ended up getting ahold of one of her thorn Roses she always kept in the window.

I rushed up the spiral staircase and down the long hallways. I opened the door at the very end of the hallway that had a huge bay side window seat, a private bathroom, and a desk. Pat told me he would help put in all of my furniture while I was away at school tomorrow.

I smiled and flopped down on the bean bag I had brought up. The room was huge and gorgeous, but it could use lots of improvement!

I put away all of my close in the closet and a few drawers that was left here from the Cat Hoarder. After I had finally settled in, I got ready for the first day back to school tomorrow!

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