Chapter Five

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A/N thank you guys so much for reading!! Please comment+vote! Above is the picture of what Brandon looks like in this chapter (Dylan O'brien)

I followed Marley into her red ferari. Did I mention there was crazy rich kids here at North Valley High?

I had turned down Brandon's many offers to give me a ride home, because I wasn't in any mood to talk to boys right now.

"Spill it out, Bella." Marley said once we were in her room.

"What?" I asked, though I knew exactly what she meant.

"I said spill!"

I sighed and fell down on her bed, and yelled frustratedly a few times. I was acting a little scary, quite frankly.

"I just don't get it! I've known him all my life and now he decided she wants nothing to do with me!? If I remember, he was the one who begged me to kiss him when we were 8." I told Marley. I also had to explain to her that I did used to go to North Valley Middle.

"He's messing with your brain, Bella. Tell him what's up!" Marley said, encouraging me.

I nodded. This was so stupid! I thought he would be happy I was back at least! I mean seriously how selfish could he be?

"I got invited to Brandon Shepards party on Friday." I said nonchalantly.

"What!?" Marley asked, spitting out her Coke.

"Yeah. Wanna come?" I asked, looking at the now stained carpet.

"How did you get invited to that!? No offense honey."

I rolled my eyes. "Wanna come or not!?"

"Answer me question."

"I don't know.. I think he kind of likes me.." I say truthfully.

Marley's eyebrows raise. "He doesn't like you. He's like that with all girls! Just another player."

My eyes widened.

"It's true! There's not one girl he hasn't had sex with. He's a bad boy, Bella." Marley explained.

"Whatever." I said. How was she not backing me up on this? He's a really nice guy.

"I'm just saying, be careful. He's gonna chew you up and spit you out."

I nodded, though I wasn't really listening. All I could think about was Chase..

"Hey! Wanna do something fun?" Marley asked, sitting up straighter.

I starred out her window. "Like what?"

"We could go get some ice cream? The Porte just opened and I hear it's great!" Marley raised her eyebrows at me.

"Why not." I sighed and followed her downstairs. We got into her car and drive over to Portes, the new ice cream parler.

"What do you want?" I asked Marley while she sat down at a picnic table for us.

"Chocolate Milkshake." She said, not looking up from her phone. Typical Marley.

I grabbed her wallet and before she could protest I cut her off. "You drive, you pay." That didn't really make sense but hey, I forgot my wallet!

I waited in line behind a tall boy with brown hair. He looked kind of familiar actually...


The boy turned around and surely enough, it was Brandon. I looked over at Marley who was talking to one of Brandon's friends who was probably here with him.

"Hey, Bella." Brandon said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same thing your doing." Brandon said with a slight chuckle.


I stepped up and got my order before following him to our table. Marley shot me a look before saying hey.

"Your both coming to my party this Friday, right?" Brandon said, smiling. His friend smiled.

"Yep!" Marley said, smiling at his friend.

"Sweet." The boy said, winking at Marley.

After they left i asked Marley who that was. She told me his name was Tommy and was one of Chase and Brandon's best friends.

"Is Chase coming to the party?" I asked Marley.

She nodded sympathetically. "Yep."

Great. I took a sip of my Mint Chocolate Chip milk shake. "Just great." I murmured.

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