Chapter Two

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I woke up in the couch with my alarm on my phone, blaring in my lap. I quickly muted my phone and shot up out of bed. First day of being a senior!

I was pissing myself with fear, and jumping around the neighborhood with joy!

I rushed up to my room and rummaged for my clothes I picked out the night before. How great it felt to be trying to get ready once again in time for the bus.

I pulled out my jean short shorts, white high tops, and a tight leather pink crop top. I quickly curled the ends of my sandy blonde hair, and applied some liquid eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my silver hologram back pack. I stuffed in all the school supplies I bought at Target and diy's I learned for back to school from Bethany Mota. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs.

After seeing I had a spare ten minutes before the bus came, I chugged down a glass of OJ and ate a small granola bar.

Quickly after, Pat came down wearing nothing except for his robe. Good to know him and mom we're getting along.

" Sure you don't want me to drive you?" Pat asked, sitting down at the island.

"Nah it's cool." I peeked through the window. "The bus is pulling up now."

"Have a good day!" Pat yelled as I rushed out the door.

I self consciously walked slowly up to the bus. This was it. My whole life depends on who I sit with on the bus.

The doors swung open and I walked up, flashy my signature white toothed smile at the bus driver. "We'll look at you!" The lady said, eying me up and down. Perv?

"Thanks." I said, faintly laughing.

She smiled and shooed me to the back of the bus. A few boys were drooling at the sight of me, while other girls were bitterly commenting on how I was gonna escalate up the popular scale real fast.

Right as I was about to sit next to what looked like nice girl, the bus jolted forward sending me flying into the back of the bus and onto a boys lap.

"Falling for me already?" He asked, winking. The boy had dark brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. I squeezed his muscles by accident as an attempt to get off him.

"Sorry." I said, smiling and sitting in the seat next to him. Girls shit there paints looking at me talking to this boy who seemed to be like a big deal, judged by there facial expressions.

"I'm Brandon." The boy said, winking. Damn he was hot..

"Bella." I said.

As soon as my name slipped my mouth, everyone on the bus shot their eyes towards us, there mouths hanging open. Brandon shot them a knowing nasty look, and turned back toward me.

"I'll show you around, cutie." Brandon said, smiling.

"Uh, ok." I said, smiling back. Was this how all boys at this school acted?

Once the bus stopped i followed Brandon all the way inside. He showed me my locker and told me where everything was and other crap.

"So I'll see you around?" He asked, slowly walking backwards. I nodded and smiled.

Once he was gone and stuffed my back pack into my locker, and went to first period, Math.

I'm a total math genius, and I really don't care what other people say. Usually when other kids see my straight A's in math, they think I cheated because I'm blonde and hot. But truth is, I love math and I'm just great at is. I always have been!

I sat down in the last empty seat, which of course was in the front. There was a girl next to me who was precisely wearing the same exact things as me, except she had brown hair and green eyes, pink converse, and a white crop top.

"Hey." The girl said, popping her gum.

"Oh, hey!" I said, smiling.

"I'm Marley! Your new right?" She asked. Was it really that obvious!?

"Yeah. I'm Bella." I said.

"Your really pretty by the way! Where did you used to go to school?" Marley asked, taking a strand of her hair and twisting it between two fingers.

"Uh.. I was home schooled, and thanks." I said. I let out the fact that I used to go here. Maybe it would be fun to start on a clean slate..

"Sweet!" Marley studied my face for a moment before shooting her attention to the board as the teacher started talking.

His name was Mr. Hollis, and he was super old. Most kids in the way back were literally asleep. I even heard a few snores here and there!

"Ms. Bella? May I ask you for the answer?" Mr. Hollis asked me.

I was not expecting this. I looked down quickly at my notes. Was I the only one taking notes? Were we even supposed to be taking notes!?

"Uh, approximately 9,437?" I asked. He starred at me dumb founded. Heck, everyone in the room starred at me dumb founded! "B-because if you cross multiply the y exponent with with 95, and bring down the two dividing the four, you get 9,437..." I tried to explain.

"Y-yes, that is correct.." Mr. Hollis said, writing the answer on the board.

"Hottie knows how to work!" Called someone in the back of the room. Marley turned around for me and gave him the middle finger.

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