Chapter Seven

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A/N OMF guys 40+ votes? Thank you!! Please share my book if you really like it and keep on commenting+voting! ILY ♥️ Also, up above is what Chase looks like Teo halm anyone ;)

When we arrived at Brandon's house, the place was packed. Literally.

People were on the front lawn and even that had probably 50 people on. In the back there was a huge pool and hotub where a lot of other people were, but the really chaos was inside.

"Marley! You didn't tell me there was a pool!" I hissed at her.

She shrugged. "I didn't know!"

We all walked inside and split up, but i mostly stayed with Marley. The crowds got bigger and bigger, and it was hard to get through a group of people without one guy squeeing your ass.

I walked into the kitchen and there was Brandon, laughing with Tommy and some other slut.

She was wearing the shortest mini dress I've ever seen, that just barely covered her butt and boobs. The strap was slung off her shoulder, and she was actually wearing stilettos.

When Brandon saw me his eyes left the girl and immediately went up and down my body. The girl slapped his chest and and said something nasty to him. When Brandon didn't say anything and pushed her off of him, she stormed off before giving me the middle finger.

I remember that girl. She was the one who tripped me in the cafeteria! Her name was Paige! She was on the cheer team and the school slut. There's not one boy in this school who hasn't slept with her. According to Marley, Brandon and Paige would be perfect with each other.

Brandon waved me over, and with a click of my pumps I quickly walked over to him, and smiled when I got up close. "Hey B!" He said.

"Hey. This party is.. fun!" I said, laughing a little and smiling.

"Yeah." He smirked. I looked around for Marley, only to find her in the corner making out with Tommy.

Well that escalated quickly.

"Umm, wanna play bear pong?" Brandon asked, pointing over to his ping pong table.

"Sure!" I smiled and nodded. I only played bear pong once, and that was when I learned how to do it from a YouTube video without having to get humiliated when I had no idea how to play when the time comes.

"Let me just go get the cups." Brandon said, walking off.

"Bella!" A familiar voice said behind me. Oh great, Chase.

I turned around and forced a smile. "Oh hey, Chase."

He smiled hoping I had gotten over our fight in the cafeteria. "Uh, so I haven't seen you in awhile! I just wanted to maybe catch up with you?" Chase asked nervously. He fidgeted with the same braided leather bracelet he's had since we were eight. It was adorable might I add.

I thought about this for awhile and sighed. "Sure. What do you want to do?"

Before Chase could speak his whole mood shifted and his eyes turned to someone behind me.

I quickly turned around there was Brandon. If he wasn't the same. His face was flushed and he was shooting daggers at Chase.

"What are you doing here, Chase?" Brandon asked, flipping his hands in the air.

"It's a free country, Shepard!" Chase retorted, walking off.

"We had a deal." Brandon yelled after him.

My eyes widened and I turned back to Brandon. "What was that all about?" I turned just in time to see Chase hurriedly walk out the door and pull it shut behind him.

"Nothing." He said, shaking his head. "Shall we?" Brandon asked, showing me the balls.

Shoutout to all you dirty readers, you ;)

I followed Brandon over to the ping pong table. When people realized we were playing bear pong, they begged to join in. "Fine!" Brandon said, pulling Tommy over to be on his team. I picked Marley who i saw was throwing up in a bathroom earlier, so she probably actually wasn't the best partner...

Brandon gave us each two ping pong balls. We had ten cups on our side and ten cups on there's, all filled with bear. Duh.

I went first. I bounced my ping pong ball on there side and it went in. Brandon made the objective of the game to have the most cups left on your side, and we would do only three rounds. Enough to get drunk, might I add.

I bounced the second one, and it went it. Then Marley went and she accidentally chucked it at some guy in the corner making out with his girlfriend.

The second time. It went into our cups............

After the second round, Paige got up on to the ping pong table. I rolled my eyes and watched her carelessly.

"Boys and whores, I have a special speech to make. I have done some investigating on a very, very dark secret... You all know your new cheer captain and supposedly new It girl, Bella Caputo?"

Oh my god. I wanted to throw up. But then again, what could she possibly know about me except for the fact that I secretly wear contacts?

"Yes well, you see she didn't just come back here for no reason. She came back, so her new rich daddy could see what a father is going to be like, raising mummy's little bitch. And don't even get me started on Ms. Caputo. She killed her own husband in a freak accident, that happened to be no so accidental at all."

Oh my god. She was doing it. She was telling everyone!

"Bella's mother lit her car on fire with her father inside!" Paige practically yelled, pleased with everyone's shocked faces. Paige smirked at my pale and sickened expression. Tears filled my eyes. don't cry, not here not now.

Paige smiled and bent down on the ping pong table so she was level to me. Brandon smiled from the back. He was in on this! "Sorry." She said.

She wasn't sorry at all.

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