Chapter Six

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A/N thanks for reading! please comment+vote. Above is what Bella and Marley's dresses look like! This is not what their faces look like though lol

I closed my locker shot and walked to History with Marley. It was the only class I actually sucked at.

We took our seats and I felt a finger tap in my shoulder seconds later. Marley was busy talking to one of cheer leaders, so I turned around in my seat.

"Yes?" I said, spinning around. It was Chase. Chase!

"Oh, hey Chase." I said.

"Hey.. Uh, are you going to Brandon's party tonight?" He asked.

Why would he care?

"Maybe.." I said, tucking a piece of hair behind my head.

"Cool." He nodded and let me turn back toward my seat. Did he want me to be at the party?


At the end of History, Marley rushed me over to the gym. "The cheer cuts are up!" Someone screamed down the hallway.

I sped after everyone anxiously. After a few girls left the bulletin, I walked up and braced myself for the worst.

I looked through all the names and couldn't find mine. I flipped over the sheet and there it was!! Under the words in bold print, North Valley High's Cheer Captain: Bella Caputo.

I rushed over to Marley with the biggest smile on my face she waited against her locker with a knowing grin. "Congrats!" She said, giving me a hug.

"Oh my fuck, Marley! I can't believe you would do this for me!" I said. She gave up her spot to let me be Captain! She was now co captain, which is a step higher than leaders.

"I'm so excited! I have such big things planned!" I told Marley as we walked out the building.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Marley said. "It's pretty boring stuff if you ask me."

I rolled my eyes and we got into my moms Toyota. "Hello Ms. Caputo!" Marley said, sliding into the front seat before me. I groaned and got into the back.

"Hey mom." I said, giving Marley a nasty stare in the mirror for taking MY seat. She smiled back.

"Hey girls!" My mom said, driving us to our house. Marley wanted to get ready with me before we went to the party. Some girls from the cheer team were gonna pick us up.

"You guys excited for cheer practice tonight?" Mom asked. That was our cover.

"Yep. It's gonna be so much fun." Marley said. She had no problem lying to my mom. I on the other hand.....

"I can pick you guys up at 10 if you want." Mom offered, but Marley shook her head.

"Thanks for the offer, but the girls said they could drive us back a little later. We're having a hard core workout with a trainer from... Africa." Marley said, mouthing dammit right after it slipped her lips.

"Really!?" Moms eyes widened. "What's his name?" Marleys eyes shoot towards me in the mirror.

"Yuh, Alfonso!" I blurt out, a little too loudly.

Mom nods her head slowly, as if to process my sudden urge to shout. "Mhm..."

Marley bites her tongue and tries not to burst out laughing as we rush into my room and close the door.

"Seriously Bella!? Al-"

"I don't want to talk about it!" I say laughing.

She nods and laughs in surrender.


I slipped on my gold mini dress, that was an extra small, when I'm actually a small so it showed off my curves. It was a little uncomfortable but it made me look good, and that's exactly what I needed tonight at a party where Chase and Brandon where both going to be at.

I slipped on my black pumps and went over to my dresser to do my hair. I curled the ends of it and applied mascara, then grabbed my phone and waited for Marley.

She was wearing a neon pink mini dress which made her dark brown hair, stand out. She wore black heals, too. The whole outfit was very... Marley.

"You know who's gonna be there?" I cooed.

"Tommy!!" Marley shrieked, clapping her hands.

She tossed me her phone and let me scroll through all there texts. There was many winks, hearts, and kissing emojis going on.


Nah I'm just kidding ;)

A car horn beeped a couple of time outside. While mom was still in her shower, I texted her and told her we had left before rushing out of the house and into Hannah's Porsche.

Something VERY hard to do in heels might I add.

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