The First Ritual

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~Hi lovely readers! I bet everyone's wondering who our baby daddy is(; I wish I could tell you, but I can't....That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot(; So I tallied up your 'votes' and it came out to: Damon: 8 & Stefan: 2. Just because Damon got more doesn't mean he's the daddy! Just sayin! But thanks to you guys I know what imma do now! I'd like to give a shout out to the following readers who took time to comment:













Thanks you guys! I think I've spoken enough so time to read the story! Enjoy and don't forget to comment comment comment! -Lanabug1864~

~The Next Day: 3 Hours Before The Ritual~

Elijah's POV:

"Klaus! Oh my god, Klaus!" I heard Greta's incompetent yelling through the whole house and wondered what her problem was.

Before the witch could utter another word I was suddenly standing in front of her giving her my solemn stare. She gasped from shock then her face filled with relief after seeing that it was me.

"Klaus has ran off in a feeble attempt to talk to Miss Forbes. What's all the commotion about?" I asked the wide eyed witch who was grasping a grimoire in her brown hands.

"You expect me to tell you after you betrayed us?! You need your head checked, Elijah, because I don't do well with betrayers!"

My dark eyes flashed as I leaned in close to Greta's face that so closely resembled the Bennett witch's face,"Rebekah is my little sister too and nothing Klaus does can change that. So if what you know involves my sister or the ritual we're doing to get her back I strongly advise that you tell me now before I'm tempted to do what I'm known for."

Greta swallowed nervously as she studied my cold face,"And what's that?"

"Ripping out hearts before the snap of your fingers," I said as I did just that and snapped my fingers causing her to jump.

Her big fearful brown eyes looked up at me as her body began to tremble slightly which was surprising to me. Greta was like a Salvatore and rarely expressed fear. Especially in Klaus's presence. It was all just an act.

"I was flipping through some of the grimoires that belonged to my ancestors," The witch began softly and I felt my face soften as she spoke. "And I found something interesting. Do you remember Tatia? The original doppelgänger?"

Of course I remembered Tatia! She was the most exquisite woman in our village. Every guy dreamed of courting her including Niklaus and I. That was the beginning of the crack that would soon shatter the bond we had.

"Yes," I answered as many memories I had tried so hard to forget flashed through my mind at an alarming rate.

"Tatia had blue eyes, yes?"

What did her eyes have anything to do with it? Now that I thought about it Tatia did have blue eyes, did the doppelgängers after her receive brown eyes?

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