The Second Ritual

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~There will be one last chapter and this book will be complete. If you want one last sequel, it's up to you, my wonderful readers and fans, to comment and make that happen! (: Just a shout out to my previous commenters! Your comments are greatly appreciated!!










Thanks for all your comments!! Now enjoy the chapter and please comment afterwards!!~

Stella's POV:

I don't know how long I was out, but what I do know is that I woke up with the world's worst headache. My head pounded like a loud bass drum as my eyes slowly fluttered open and took in my surroundings.

I wasn't outside The Grill anymore. That I was certain of. What I wasn't certain of was where I was now, which seemed to be some kind of cave but with a barred cell. I tried to lift my arms and that's when I discovered that I was bound by my wrists to a chair which was also bolted to the floor with no hope of moving. I tugged and pulled at the restraints but they wouldn't loosen. I was stuck wherever I was.

"Well look who finally decided to come back to the land of the living. You were out for an entire day, Gorgeous. It's about time you woke up. I was beginning to think you were dead," a young British male's voice said from somewhere over to my left.

I turned to find a guy in his early to middle twenties wearing a dark blue hoodie and pulling a pair of black earbuds from his ears which led to the iPod touch in his hand. He had shaggy dark brown hair, almost as dark as Ivy's, and a brown pair of troublemaker's eyes. As he stood up from his spot in the far corner, he stuffed his iPod into the large front pocket of his hoodie. That's when I noticed how much he resembled my dead uncle. "You remind me of someone I used to know. He's dead now though."

The guy gave a small smirk when he heard that; his dark eyes sparkling with unexpressed humor that I didn't understand. "I assume you are speaking of Elijah, yes?" I nodded. "Thought so. Elijah was my older brother as is Klaus. I'm sure you remember Klaus, Stella." This dude knew my name? And he and Klaus were related to my Uncle Elijah? He suddenly started to step closer to me with that smirk still covering his pale face. "I must say, you really are a beauty."

The guy reached out a long, pale finger, running it down my cheek before his hand fell to the collar of my blouse as he gave me a cheeky grin. He then started to teasingly pull at my collar and migrate downward when a second voice made both of us jump.

"The bloody hell are you doing?!" Klaus exclaimed just as his little brother quickly jerked his hand away from my shirt. "Kol, I told you to call me the minute she woke up! She isn't Tatia! She's a bloody Salvatore! Get that through your sodding head!"

Kol didn't seem affected by the sharpness of his brother's voice and just shrugged his shoulders in answer before pulling out his iPod and leaving through the cell door that Klaus had come in a few seconds earlier.

I pulled violently at my restraints again hoping something would give and release me, but as always, it didn't happen. "Don't bother, Love. Not even a vampire could get out of those, so I suggest you get comfortable because you're staying here until tomorrow night."

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