Klaus's Secret

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Katherine's POV:

I felt the smile form on my face as I looked upon the cute sight that was my husband and daughter. Stefan, who had a huge smile on his face, was sitting in the chair beside my hospital bed and was holding Alex in his arms while she slept soundly; content. Instead of having dark brown hair like her sister, Alex had her father's soft bronze hair. She was a spitting image of Stefan.

"So..." I hesitated, not sure if Stefan was wanting to discuss his brother or not. His moods were always so unpredictable. "How did everything go with Damon and Elena?"

The smile Stefan had on his face vanished as he looked up at me with those forest green eyes that I had fallen in love with. When I saw the saddened look on his face, I instantly felt guilty for asking.

He looked back down at our beautiful daughter as he spoke ever so softly,"He's a monster, Kath. Everything about my brother is gone. He's gone and there's no getting him back this time. Elena's just going to have to let him go."

"Stefan, how can she just let him go? This is her husband we're talking about. Not just some random stranger. You can't expect Elena to just forget about him. Besides, it seems my great granddaughter inherited my stubbornness too. And what about Stella? Are you expecting her to let her go too?" I retorted, actually shocked by what I was hearing from him.

Before Stefan had the chance to reply, the door burst open and a little brown headed girl zipped with inhuman speed up to my bed and into my arms. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Grandpa Ric brought me and Miranda to see the baby!" Scarlett squealed excitedly then turned to look at Stefan just as Alaric walked into the room with his daughter.

"Hey, Stef," Ric greeted Stefan as his eyes traveled to the bundle in his arms where soft, sweet cooing sounds were coming from. "Better bring out the shot guns early. You've got two beauties to keep boys away from now."

Stefan gave an amused laugh as he glanced down at the sleeping infant in his arms then at Scarlett who was now eagerly looking at her new baby sister. "I sure do, Ric, I sure do. So..how have you and Miranda been holding up?"

Alaric didn't even have time to answer before Scarlett's loud, enthusiastic voice interrupted them as she jumped down from the bed and darted over to Stefan's side. "Daddy, Daddy, can I hold the baby?!"

He chuckled, amused by our eldest daughter, as he nodded then spoke to her,"Yes, but, Scarlett? Since Alex is really little right now, you have to sit down to hold her and be very gentle with her. Think you can do that?"

"Of course I can, Daddy! I'm a big girl now! I'm six!" Scarlett replied causing all three adults in the room to laugh while Stefan stood with the baby so she could sit. She was in the chair in under three seconds flat.

Stefan then carefully laid the tiny pink bundle that was Alex into Scarlett's waiting eager arms and then made sure she was supporting Alex's head the right way. He knelt down beside the chair where his two children were sitting, both looking as beautiful as a summer sunset.

"Well, how's it feel to be a big sister, Scar?" Alaric asked with a grin on his face as he watched the beaming six-year-old who was on top of the world.

"I don't know yet, Grandpa Ric. I've only been a big sister for a few hours," Scarlett grinned at Alaric then looked back down at her baby sister who was gazing up at her with eyes full of curiosity. "She's so tiny, Mommy. Was I that little when I was a baby? She's really pretty too and she looks just like Daddy."

The whole time she was rambling on about her new sibling, Miranda inched closer to the chair to get a better look at Alex who was drifting back to sleep like all newborns did. But Alex wasn't like all newborns. She was like the rest of us; immortal, but right now, only half immortal.

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