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~Yay! The last update of this book! Between studying for finals and getting ready for Christmas I managed to update! I'm super excited for Christmas! Hoping for that new laptop!(; Anyways, enjoy the short but juicy epilogue! -Lanabug1864~

Damon's POV:

Ever since Klaus disappeared into the forest that night of the horrid ritual, we hadn't seen or heard from him. Life was now actually..good. I couldn't believe I actually said that. Life was good. And it was. Stella's still adapting to her new mortality status and is showing some difficulty with maintaining control, but with more training, she'll be just fine. Miranda dropped out of college shortly after her father's death to help Meredith take care of her fifteen-year-old brother. I think Rebekah's had it the worst out of all of us though because she lost two of her brothers and her husband, the father of her son. But the one who's having the most trouble coping is Stefan. Lexi's been staying with us at the boarding house to try and help Stefan through his grief, but I'm pretty sure he's been sneaking out late at night and feeding on something a little more fresher than the many empty blood bags I found scattered around the basement.

As I made my way through the hallway and down the massive staircase, I eagerly took in the rare silence of the boarding house and thought about many years ago when Elena had came into my life. My life had surely changed since Stefan and I met that innocent brunette teenager that night on Wickery Bridge, but it was the kind of change that we were thankful for. Stefan. My baby bro. Stefan and I had our ups and downs, but after all that had happened, we both realized the importance of family and now we don't show as much hatred towards each other anymore like we used to. We revived that unbreakable bond we had back in 1864 before meeting Katherine, the woman who was the breaker of that bond.

The Salvatore boarding house wasn't quiet anymore due to the fact that our children were really no longer children. We now had four teenagers, and a three year old toddler who wanted to be just like her older brother and sister. The silence that had once been a resident within this house was now a rare visitor and old friend whom I would greet with open arms. Don't get me wrong. I love having family again and I wouldn't trade the life I have now for the world. I just never thought that I would be where I am now. Stefan and I weren't supposed to be happy, have peace, or have kids because as vampires, those things weren't possible for us. But here we were.

Enjoying the quiet that surrounded me, I walked over to my collection of drinks, that I had told the kids repeatedly to never touch - emphasizing it exceptionally well to the older ones - and poured myself a glass of bourbon. The kids were at school for the day, Stefan and Lexi were out having drinks together, and Elena took Ivy shopping for a while then planned on going by the graveyard to visit the ones we had lost. With a sigh I plopped myself down on one of the sofas in the living room and took a long, greatly needed sip of my drink.

As I continued to sip from my glass, my attention became drawn to the blazing fire in the fire place where the flames were lapping, dancing with each other, both drawn toward one another by a connection only they shared. They were two souls bound together, meant for each other, made for one another like no one other could be. No other soul could be more perfect for these two twirling twin flames, brought together by chance, but were friends - lovers - by choice and by the fact that they were soul mates. Their love for each other would be eternal, a love that no one could ever defeat.

I was suddenly thrown from my deep thoughts by a simple knock on the door, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. I really needed to be more alert. I gave a quiet huff as I got up from my highly comfortable spot on the sofa where I was lounging and made my way to the front door, pondering over who it could be.

My drink still in my left hand, I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to reveal the unknown stranger on my porch. My crystal blue eyes widened in shock and I felt my glass slip from my fingers then heard it shatter into millions of pieces on the floor at my feet. "Mom?"

~The final book is called: The Second Life Of Stella Salvatore~

There Was No World For Her, If There Was No DamonWhere stories live. Discover now