Chapter One: Clubs and uggs

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Walking the streets at 11 o'clock in the evening was not a trouble for me but right now I have a feeling that someone is looking at me, like some horror movie shit actor I wouldn't choose to go to the alley to go to the city even if it meant that I'd go there in less than five minutes. I'd be an easy bait if I go there, but this is real life you have to be practical.

No one in this part of town goes out at this time of the evening, except those who are fighting with their significant other and will go to our diner. I guess our diner's got that reputation now.

I am a working student if you haven't figured out by now, I'm trying to save up to get the hell out of my aunt's home.

Thinking about my aunt got me feeling down but then I heard footsteps nearing me. I have to be sure that I'm not paranoid I took out my arm from the right strap of my backpack and put the bag in front of my body and in the pocket of my bag I got my portable pocket swiss army knife that cost me twenty dollars in walmart. Well, at least I'll be able to use it now. I couldn't hear anymore footsteps which is great because it means I wasn't really being followed.

Why am I walking at this ungodly hour you ask? Well, my boss Aretha Jones asked me to deliver something important as she says.

As I turned to the right street I was now in the city where there are lights and at least some people who are going in and out from King's Castle. It's a club in the city where even the underaged can go to. I notice a group of girls walking in their ultra short body fit dresses and heels- when I say ultra mini it meant their dresses stop a centimeter below their asses.

Their faces looked familiar to me because they were my classmates in school, they're all blondes their leader of the group is Selena who is sleeping seemingly with everyone but obsesses over Trent Knight. I bet that he's there in the club too.

I walked across the street to go to the entrance of the club the bouncer blocked the door, "Where do you think you're going?"


"Doesn't look like you were going to." He said pointing to my pocket knife.

"Ohh, I'm sorry. I thought i was being followed earlier." I said asI put it in my bag.

"Are those your party clothes?" He asks as he raked his eyes over me from head to toe. Why is he judging me? I was wearing a simple black tee and some denim jeans and my uggs.

This bouncer is such a pain in the ass. "I'm not going to party, I'm here to deliver something for Aretha Jones. She couldn't make it tonight." I said.

"Okay, just log on this book." He says as he gives me a black clipboard and asks me to write down basic information.

Bobby Thorne     17 years old   

"You can go in." He said and I went in. I first noticed how dim it is in here with just some colorful lights flashing as a contributor of light source besides some LED strip lights that was outlining every object that there is. There were poles for girls who were in their lingerie, probably after they work they'll go straight to sleep.

You're so funny  my subconscious tells me in the most sarcastic voice in my head.

I remembered Aretha's words, 'Just go to the cocktail bar and I'll have my client go to you.'

I searched for the bar in the sea of people. I saw a guy juggling and mixing bottles which means that is the bar, who'd else juggle bottles in the club? I walked to the bar and on the way someone bumped my shoulder hard.

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