Chapter Thirteen: Imprint

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Today we had a full house-people dining in and those who couldn't come in would order take outs and they were a lot. A little bit of help would be great right now.

Fifteen hours have passed and my feet weren't hurting anymore unlike my first  week- I had blisters but now I think I got used to it.

I felt kind of light headed and dizzy though so I ran to the employees room rel quick and took an aspirin and drank it. I ran back out and a lot of people are still here and ordering so much. I was cooking, taking orders and serving at the same time.

How I wish I can cut myself into three pieces so that there would be three of me to make this a little bit easier.

At 12 o'clock midnight a few couples went in and also another group of friends, but that was it because at 1 in the morning nobody came in. I made use of my time to count the money under the counter so no one would try and rob me. I put them all in an envelope and wrote how much money there is and then I could count the receipts on top of the counter and that was what I did and I checked if the two of them ( the amount of the receipts and the money) matched and it did- Thank God for that.

You know the feeling that you feel like someone is watching you? That is what I feel right now. The feeling of paranoia and eating me-

I looked around but there was no one outside. Especially inside since I had locked the back doo and I was bhind the counter and I can see the front door clearly.

Then I remembered the icy blue eyes from my dream, I shuddered involuntarily. I downed all of what's left of my chocolate drink and started to cleaning the restaurant but not before putting the envelope in the office's safe.

When I got back no one wa sinside, then the double doors open by what seemed like air- Impossible. It was too heavy to open by air, I looked around and saw someone sitting in a booth and had two legs up on the table.

"Missed me?"

I looked at him clearly and saw that it was Marcus- the vampire.

"Not really." I said in all honesty. 

I felt scared- not because there was a vampire sitting on one of the booths of the restaurant. 

Because I was comfortable with this guy and that scares the heck out of me. To top it off Julian is not here to help me unlike last time.

" Would you like to orde- Ohh." I have just realized that Marcus is a vampire and started to question in my head Do vampires even eat? Or do they just drink human blood?

"Bobby, we eat food too. Unless you want to offer your blood to me." He said as his eyes twinkle with amusement and hope.

"No thanks." I said.

"Dang it! Why does compulsion never work on you." He said childishly.

I shrugged, even I don't know why. 

"What would you like to order?" I asked. 

"You." He said, I looked at him he was smirking and then he winked at me.

I glared at him, "Someone's got their panties in a twist." He said. "I'd like to order a plate of Spaghetti Bolognese, 16 inches 8 slices All cheese pizza and a pitcher of Coca Cola."

I went to the kitchen and started to cook the spaghetti, "So, how are you?" Marcus said as he was looking at the window of the kitchen from his booth.

"I'm doing good, just tired." I said. "How about you?"

"I'm doing great! Just got back from Dallas." He said.

"Dallas, Texas?"

"Yes, a lot of my kind are there. And quite frankly it's much easier to feed there." He said.

"How's your mate?" He asks.

"Mate? What's that? I don't have one." I said, "Wait, that's british for friend, right?"

"Not that mate." He said, " Your soulmate."

As I cooked the sauce and the meatballs, "I don't believe in soulmates." I said.

"They're true." Marcus said. "I thought your mate was the one who grabbed you from his car to hide from me."

"I don't even like that guy- I mean not anymore after that incident of course." I said remembering Trent's actions.

"So,that's not the mate?" He asked.

"Why do you keep asking about the mate?"

"Because you smell like you've met your mate." He said. What is he on about?

I plated the spaghetti and put in on the tray, I poured the Coca Cola in the pitcher then put a glass on the tray and served it to him. I went behind the counter to get the 16 inch All-cheese pizza that he wanted and served it to him.

"I don't know anything about mates." I said. " but I did my friend Alice say that word... Maybe Trent also."

"This Trent you speak of is the-?"

"The one who grabbed me that night into a car." I said.

He nods then eats the spaghetti, "Your food is delicious." He says as he chews on the food.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked him.

He looked at me and took a bite from a slice of pizza, "She died a few decades ago." He said.

"I'm sorry about that." I said, "My deepest condolences, Marcus."

"It's fine." He said and smiled.

"Do you miss her?" I asked

"Of course, there isn't a day that passes by that I don't miss her. The day that I've imprinted on her I was lucky that I was the first one-"

"Imprinted? I heard that before what's that? Tell me." I said as I recognized that when Trent said that he has imprinted on me for years.

"I take it that you've heard that before."

I nod at him and he continues, "The Moon Goddess who's the ruler of all mythical creatures- she had assigned two persons for one individual."

Two persons? I remembered Trent said something about about the other one.

"The mate thing works both ways- Both of you have imprinted on each other."

"So, it doesn't matter if someone imprinted on- for example me. I have twi guys as options is that what you're saying?" He nods and then I continued, "I've known the first guy for years and he has imprinted on me first-"

"It wouldn't work like that. As I said, it works both ways- it means both of you like each other." He said. "In your case it's one sided because the first guy you don't like."

I nod at him then said, "But what did you mean about me already finding my mate?"

"You've imprinted on someone already." Marcus said as he drinks the remaining Coca Cola that was left in the pitcher and looked at me. "And it worked both ways."

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