Chapter 2- Paranoia

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--Paranoia --


"Skylar!" My mother looked like she was ready to kill. And no one can really blame her, she had all the rights to be angry right now. 

"Mother..." I trailed off, not knowing how to explain the mess I created.

"You have dug yourself a very deep hole.." She shook her head disappointingly, though she looked more scared than disappointed. Her anger was slowly turning into fear and it was all too evident.

"Mother, believe me! It was just a mi--" 

"I did it." Suddenly the man besides me who was quite the whole time, spoke up. I snapped my neck to look at him, was he serious?

"You..? You did it?!" My mother asked, once again fury taking over her grey eyes which were identical to mine. 

"Yes, I did." He replied, oh god does he have a bloody death wish?

"Never expected this from you, really." My mother said calmly, but I could sense the cold fury ignited within  her. She looked quite impressed too. All this while, I could feel cold sweat running down my entire body. This was getting so out of control.

"Mother, listen to me. He is i--" I was saying but before I could finish my sentence a loud bang killed all that was there.


*Present Time*

Always listen to your parents, always. Because no matter how absurd their talks may sound sometimes, it will always turn out to be the ultimate truth. In the glory of youth, we may label them old fashioned, rigid and sometimes even borderline insane. But as we grow up, glory of youth dimming and adulthood shining more prominently than ever, we realize whatever they used to say was true after all.

My father must be laughing at me from somewhere above. He must be enjoying the situation I was in, I mean why wouldn't he? He created this situation himself. As far as my mother is concerned, she better not get any air of it, which I am sure she will. Which will mean my other family knowing and...oh god..I don't even want to think about it.

I was shocked and was starting to sweat. It's been quite some time and I am not sure if he remembers me or not. I've changed a lot, he looks same though, actually looks better now. But, it was not the time to drool over his looks. 

I had to think of something really quick. Thank goodness, I've got this ability to control my facial expressions and emotions. The only useful thing I ever learnt from my family was to maintain a good poker face.

"Hello, Mr. Osorio." I said smiling through gritted teeth. I don't remember him that well or who am I really kidding? I remember all details about him, details no one knew and never will. I just hope it's not the other way around and sentiments are not shared. 

"Hello to you too..Miss Vil-Valdez." He said with neutral expressions. I just hope the slip of tongue was not intentional. Because for once, my heart was ready to leap out of my throat. It was hard to know what that devil's spawn was really thinking.

"Fancy seeing you here." Mr. Osorio said suddenly startling me. He sounded almost robotic. There was no expression in his tone, only a stupid smirk on his face. 

And I knew, what he was trying to do. He may or may not know the real deal and was trying to get answers from me. Little did he know, I am always two steps ahead of him.

"I work here." I replied flatly.

"Of course." He replied sarcastically, and maybe he really don't have any idea. Maybe I was just being paranoid..

"Ahem..excuse me? Sky you know Diego?" Vivaan interrupted, and for once I was thankful for his stupid big mouth.

"Of course. Who would miss a man who has so many Os in his name?" I replied not really trying to hard the sarcasm, though it was true. This man has just way too many Os in his name. 

"Yes and that's the only way you know me right?" Diego asked, and maybe my paranoia was not paranoia, after all. 

"Yes." I lied smoothly.

"Very well." He replied but I knew it was not well. It was far from well. I stared into his deep green eyes, they were glinting with mischief. Something was definitely up. But I couldn't comprehend what, I was too busy admiring his stunning green orbs. And he probably found something to stare at in my grey ones too. Neither of us made any efforts to look away. 

It was not simply staring, it was a competition. And whoever lose, was supposed to pay the price. What price, only heavens may know. 

"Excuse me? I thought we were here to discuss my problem." Vivaan interrupted our little staring competition. And we spent next hour or so discussing his failed love life.

It was funny how sorry he was. But he do not have my mercy. Diego through all the time stayed quite. Vivaan and me both knew it was unusual. But I let it go, Diego was not my problem anymore. 

Got 99 problems, but an Osorio ain't one. I sang in my head. Don't worry, I am doubting my sanity too here.

"I am visiting Ruchi tomorrow, and don't expect me to act like your advocate there." I told a very stunned Vivaan Kapoor and made my way out of his office with my head full.


Sitting quietly in my cubicle, now I can actually reflect on my emotions and reactions. How many years it's been again? 


Oh yeah five years. 

I am still quite baffled because I handled it pretty well back there. I mean, I didn't faint, stutter or sweated like a pig, okay this maybe I did. But, all in all I handled it well.

I always knew Diego was related to Vivaan Kapoor due to his mother's Spanish heritage but I never expected to see him here. There has to be some reason for Diego to be in New York. I refuse to believe he is here for a family vacation. From which I got another question to exhaust my his family here? 

I will be damned if my past collided with my present, it will only cause distress and will definitely ruin my future. 

My father was right..

He always said, 'Associate yourself with those who benefit you on a level beyond your reach, those who will give you a satisfaction beyond your perception. But, never associate yourself with someone who will affect your heart. Matter of hearts are complicated. And always avoid the complicated.'

I was deep in my thoughts when my phone rang, my office phone specifically.

"Miss Valdez?" A voice with slight Spanish accent spoke from the other line. For a man, the voice was quite high pitched, if you ask me. 

"Yes, speaking." I said, not quite sure about who was on the other line. Only calls we get on the office phones were from the  other departments. And as far as I know, not many people have Spanish accent here.

"Refrain from talking to Mr. Osorio." The voice spoke hastily and then the line went dead, leaving me all levels of confused.

What the hell was that? Refrain from talking to Mr. Osorio? 

"You look troubled, dulzura." I heard a deep baritone and observed a shadow looming over me.

Well, Mr. Mysterious Caller, what if Mr. Osorio himself comes to talk to me? How am I supposed to refrain that? 


Hola people!

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Lot's of Love!

P.S. Unedited. 

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