Chapter 15 - Visitor

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"Come on! It was just a Samsung, not even an I-phone." Diego whined but I kept my silence. He didn't even bothered to apologize, all he seems to stress on, is the fact that it at least was not an I-phone. Like it would have made any difference! 

"Skylar.." My patience was running thin with his every word. "Come on, you are not sulking over a was not even that expensive." And that did it. I burst out.

"Shut up, Diego! I don't care if it was only a Samsung and not an I-phone. You really think I care about the brand? How dare you throw it out of the window like that?" 

"It was for your own safety." He stated, like it was a fact.

"No. I've lost all my data and contacts! How am I supposed to contact anyone now?" 

Imagine me being in a dreadful situation, my life is in danger and I look inside my purse to contact someone but boom! Mr. Osorio had thrown it out of his car window. 

So, the little,sweet Skylar could have saved her life by contacting someone but she dies because of her inability to contact anyone. She dies because she's got no phone. How dreadful.. 

"You don't need any other contacts when I am with you." He spoke up, interrupting my wildly running imagination. Living with Osorio has already started affecting my brain..great! 

"Just shut it, Osorio. You're no superman. No explanation will ever justify this." I scoffed in his direction, and he scoffed back What?

"Superman? Really, superman? Look at me, babe. Make it Batman now, or I will have to terminate this conversation now." I looked at him with my jaw dropped, probably touching the undergrounds of ridiculousness.  Did he just..oh god..I am stuck with an idiot. 

"I am not sure about Batman but you sure are bat shit crazy." He looked at me with a smirk, but then his face turned serious.

"Whatever, but why you never told me about these phone calls? You definitely didn't receive them for the first time." His expressions were now turning from serious to accusing.

"The topic never surfaced.. It's been a while since I last received a call like that..before today." I was uneasy, this man got a way with his stare for sure.

"You do realized whose voice it was, right?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at me like it should be obvious to me, only it wasn't. 

"No..I don't." I am not sure if I know any man with such a high-pitched voice..

"You're one dumb female." He muttered, but loud enough for me to hear, intentionally, if I may add.

"Excuse me?" He gave me another one his don't-waste-my-time-you-mortal look.

"That was your brother's hit man." He said with a flat voice.

"My brother have hit men?" My jaw dropped once again and this time it was surely touching the grounds of impossible.

He ran his hands through his hair in irritation, and let's not make me start on how sexy it looked. You people are so unlucky, you can't see such a beauty live unlike me.

 "I think, but you've been out of the circuit for too long..protecting you is going to be a hard task." He said, now with hints of doubt in his voice. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, quite confused. When did my brother get his own hit men? 

"You do realize your brother left before you did, right?" Diego asked, his eyes held a strange kind of worry.. something between 'Damn damn damn' and 'Why the fuck do I even care?' It was tough to know what was actually going inside his head.

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