Chapter 24 - The Envelope

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Before you all start reading, I know this is late and can be potentially sucky too. But, please bear with me and read the A/N. Thanks! Happy Reading!


--The Envelope--

So, as I've already mentioned, I've got quite some questions about my life and all that is going on in it. Not to forget my recently developed trust issues, which if I don't control soon will drive me to the verge of insanity sooner rather than later. 

Having questions is not a problem, not being able to find their answers is. 

The clarity I thought I now had within my reach, turned out actually was far away from me. It ditched me the same the fender mirror of my car did the first time I tried driving. 

Who the fuck really reads that Objects-are-nearer-than-they-appear-to-be warning? Who the hell wants to strain their eyes reading that shit which is written in a print finer than that used to write conditions in investment documents. 

Anyway, the matter of fact is, even if it strains the hell out of your eyes, do read that warning people or you will end up crashing your car like I did while taking a U-turn. No, don't ask me how I did it, I just did. 

And the more important matter of fact at the moment is I have questions with no clue of any answers. And who can know this frustration better than my friend, famous for her infamous curiosity, Ruchi Shah? 

So, I decided that I should give her a call and also get an update on her situation with the infamously famous Mr. Vivaan Kapoor. What a famous wouldn't you and your bae would be too if your story is splattered all over the newspapers and internet? Making all kinda absurd allegations and assumptions? 

Such mess, much wow. 

Isn't it funny how messed up all our lives are? You think it is only you but no, it is everyone around you. Just as fucked up as you, just handling it better or worse than you. 

All are the stories of someone's messed up life. Some stories you hear out of obligation, some out of interest, some you never. In the end it is all same, stories of how messed up everyone around you, including you is. Just some hiding it better than others.

Some talk about it, some write about it. In the end, it depends on you, which person- real or fictional's messed up life you find interesting. And that folks, is how this media industry is surviving. 

So ending my pointless ranting about the mess life in general is, let's get back to the point, the phone call. The problem here lies in the situation which is absence of phone.

I can go and ask for a phone but I won't.  I am doing a good job ignoring Osorio siblings and I want to keep the good work up.

Now since I am not wasting any energy talking to those mind-boggling siblings, my mind wandered to my mother.

I have so much to think, it is giving me a headache. I was planning to over-dose on some pain-killer when I heard a knock on the door. I waited and it didn't open itself. Must not be Diego, I thought.

"Come in." The door opened and entered Ava. 

"Dinner is ready, dear." She informed and when I nodded, left. 

I wonder if dinner can provide me with any answers? What if I create some spell for it? Like...

Dinner, dinner on the table, what has the faith stored for me in the stable? 

I think I should get myself checked in, in some mental facility..Major sigh.


The tension at the dining table was thick that night, and more so, the next day. I have kept my mouth shut for too long that it has obviously started bothering the Osorio siblings.

Adana, being the girl she is, didn't bother much with me and I don't blame her too. Being silent, I had the time to observe and that girl's life is such a mess, I almost pity her.

Diego, though, is a whole different story. He tried talking to me but my responses consisted, mostly of shrugging, nodding and shaking my head which obviously led to some miscommunication because Diego wouldn't be fuming if it weren't for it.

"Skylar, enough of this bullshit. Speak. I can't afford confusing your yes with no and vice-versa anymore." Diego was annoyed, but is it my problem? Nopes.

"I can't believe it. Why in the world are you ignoring me?" I looked at him, blinked twice, shrugged once and then diverted my attention back to the space I was staring at. 

I could feel Diego's irritation but I wasn't in least bothered with it. I don't care what he feels and why should I? He lied to me after all. He had known about Anton all this time and never bothered telling me. Anton is my only sibling for god's sake!

I thought Diego will say something more but instead, he just turned around and walked away. I let out a sigh.

Too much was happening, I am losing some serious track of events here; not to mention that I am not even aware about half of the events which have happened in my absence. 

After a few minutes, Diego returned and sat besides me, not saying anything. He put an envelope similar to the one I've seen in his dresser's drawer -when I'd let my curiosity win over my rationality- on the table. 

My first instinct was to grab it and open it up to know what's inside but I controlled myself.

"Skylar, you don't want to talk to me, fine. I understand I've been interfering a lot but it's for your own safety.  I've now decided though that I am not going to interfere anymore, at least not this much. You're free to color your hair, go out or do whatever you want to do but I need you to accept whatever it is in that envelope. Are we clear?" 

I looked at him, staring into his eyes which showed me no hints of devilry which is normally present. I looked at the white envelop, it is either death or peace. 

I grabbed the envelop and nodded at Diego to let him know that yes, we indeed are clear in this one aspect of our misty lives.

He looked at me with a gaze which reflects nothing and everything. Diego Osorio is one delphic personality but before I try to decipher him I have to know what's inside this envelope because it definitely has a bulge. 

But before I do anything, I have to sleep because tomorrow is going to be hectic and for more than one reasons. 


Hello people! 

So what's it been? A month or something? I've lost track of time to be honest..

So, this update is late, it is sucky and it will make you wanna delete this book outta your libraries but don't do it! Because a) I'll edit this chapter. b) Next update is half ready. c)Won't you like to know what's in the envelope?  

Do vote and comment, to lemme know what you all think. It is important af for me.

Thank you for showing faith and being here!! 

Lot's of Love!

P.s. Unedited Chapter. 

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