Chapter 26 - Deceptive Looks

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--Deceptive Looks--

"What's code triple-O?" I asked, once we were on the road to god knows where Anton lives now. 

"Just a safety code." Diego shrugged as he swerved the car into it's path.

"That's a very vague answer." I commented, he didn't bother to shot anything back.

So, I took the opportunity and asked the million dollar question, "How come you have details of Anton?"  While I his sister don't? I won't lie by saying I didn't try contacting him, I did tried a lots of time. Only, I haven't tried for like 4 years now. 

He looked at me for a brief moment, a blank look rather and then turned his attention back on the road, "You sure ask stupid questions for someone who was once considered a prodigy." 

"Was once considered? I still am a prodigy." I held my chin up, though it was a mere joke on my part. Prodigy, my ass. I'll probably be remembered in Villarreal clan as a dummy. 

"The lost kind though." He had a small smirk on his face which made me wanna slap him but, since he was driving so never mind..

"My answer is still unanswered." I pouted a little though he didn't see it.

"Well, I am The Diego Osorio. I am a sensational, remarkable, marvelous piece of a man, what more answer do you need?" He shrugged and spared me a look which clearly made me feel like a fool for even asking.

"Modesty is free, just for your kind information." I remarked and he just gave me one of his devil-may-care smirk. After that, we fell into comfortable silence and my mind wandered away from that unanswered question, I have feeling it will be answered soon anyway. I looked down and the outline of the ring caught my attention.

The weight of the ring weigh heavily in my neck, maybe the mariner felt the same way too. This ring was like my own personal albatross of guilt. This ring was heavy, both literally and metaphorically, metaphorically more though.

Well played, Osorio, well played. Making me wear my engagement ring reminding me of all that I've done in past five years with just a single gesture of supposed responsibility. 

I looked out of the window and we were entering into the rich suburban area, the one where I think Diego's friend Evan Peters own a mansion too. This residential area is strictly for filthy rich, I've known because I've heard Stella, my friend rambling about its splendor quite a lot. 

We drove in further and the houses, more like villas and mansion, continue to get bigger, and more extravagant. 

I watch as we drove by splendid mansion and villas, each one screaming expensive. Don't tell me my brother owns one of these extravagant villas while I wasted 5 years in a not-so humble apartment.

We stopped in front of a white villa, it looked like something television shows show as a part of heaven. It was white, shaded by blooming trees on all sides, light-grey brick walls surrounding the entire plot, a rather rare to see silver colored gate, there was a statue of what I think, might be of Aphrodite in the middle of the garden just in front of the enterance of the house. 

Sucker Anton, always had a hate for fountains. 

Diego's car got through the gates without any inconvenience, which was strange because the gates were automated and the security around this place was tight, I could just feel it. 

We drove in and Diego stopped in front of the statue which indeed was of Aphrodite, a very brilliantly done imitation of the one in The Louvre. The pristine condition of the statue surprised me, actually the whole place surprised me. 

It looked so prim and proper. The villa looked like it was the purest place on this Earth, like an abode of peace.

I won't say it is the same, but if I had to compare this place with some other place, it would be white house. I mean the whiteness is surreal. 

I wonder what dog must have bitten my brother to build a place so opposite to his temperament. 

My thoughts were interrupted when Diego opened his mouth, "I am not your chauffeur, get out of the car now, my arm hurts." He was holding the door open for me with a rather bored look on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him, "What a gentleman." I exited the car and he gently slammed the door shut.

I took in my surroundings, the architecture looked Russian, the garden we were standing in was very well maintained too. The place had a calm aura round it, over all.

"He made a nice place for himself." I commented more to myself than anyone else.

"Looks are deceptive, Skylar." Diego said, looking at villa the same way I was, only the astonishment was absent in his eyes.

A man dressed in brown suit came to us, more like jogged towards us, he looked roughly Anton's age, bit older maybe. He had a brilliant smile on his face as he greeted us, "Mr. Osorio, it's been a long time," He shook hands with Diego and then turn to me, "You must be Ms. Skylar, really glad to meet you, senora." He bowed a little, confusing me. 

I shook his hand which was warm and rough, must've been a street fighter before the suit found him. "Sir Anton is waiting for you both, please come in." The man's voice was deep and had slight Spanish accent.

"Thank you, Pablo but don't bother with us. We can navigate our way." Diego told him and the man without another word, smiled gratefully and walked away.

"You know the staff here quite well, I guess." I voiced out, before even realizing.

"Had to, after all it's Anton's staff." He said and then gestured for me to move with him.

This place is really calm and peaceful, I am not sure how but all that white surely has its effect on this place. But it has hardly any effect on me, I am a nervous wreck. 

I don't know if it's even a right decision to meet Anton now. He hates me,, definitely. I don't know how he will react, I don't know how I will react. He's my brother after all, but after all that's been done..does this relation even exist beyond its name? I certainly have no idea.

Anton has always been the cruel kind, a competitor and a winner. He likes to win by hook or by crook. Losing, the word is not in his dictionary. So, the one time he actually lost he decided to leave the game and start a new one on his own altogether. I just realized it too late, a five years too late.

"Skylar, stop thinking. Meet him with an open mind. The boy has become a man, more ruthless but also more mature." Diego spoke. Seems like he was there for Anton when I wasn't. I hate it, I hate the fact Diego got to spend the time with my sibling which was mine. I hate the fact Diego knew about him when I should be the one. But I probably earned it all when I took my decisions. 

There is no use of looking at past now, maybe later, but not now.

"Let's get this over with." I said with a new found determination. I am going to patch things up with my brother, no matter what. 

We walked further and the front enterance was opened for us so, we entered into the villa. There was a narrow corridor which complimented the outside of the house, white, with walls full of serene paintings and crystals hanging from the ceiling. The corridor seems to be stretching a lot, not that I mind, I was quite in awe with the beauty of it.

But then we turned left and I realized what and why Diego has said earlier, Looks are indeed deceptive.


Hello people!

So, that's more like a filler chapter but we needed it.

Gimme your opinions, votes, comments, criticism whatever you feel like. 

Keep loving and supporting!


Lot's Of Love!

P.S. Unedited chapter.

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