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Demi's pov

Maya said yes. So I texted Marissa I'd meet him. His name is Jack. I don't really know how I feel about this. I'm a bit nervous and maybe a little excited. Not saying that Jack's 'the guy' for me but I want a father figure for Maya.

There's always Wilmer but I still can't trust him. I don't know if I'll ever be able to, but I still see him with Maya for her sake. I can't let her grow up without a father. Especially because he is alive and is not a bad father. I can't deprive her of that to put my comfortabilty first. A kid needs both their parents even if one can do the job there are just different things two parents can provide. I know he's changed and my family trusts him but it's just harder for me. I still try my best to meet with him with her for Maya. I never wanted her growing up without a dad. I know deep down Wilmer's not a bad guy, just one who's made a huge mistake.

Anyways after kinda bonding with Maya, I'm alone in my room again. I think we're starting to become closer or maybe it's because I let her spend her morning with Wilmer and she felt happy. Or it's because she saw me break down and felt sorry for me.

It's almost six and I haven't eaten anything all day. I can hear my stomach grumbling but I don't have much of an appetite, maybe I can just skip eating just for today. Yeah just for today.

I can hear Maya's TV from all the way from her room. I wonder if she's eaten anything. Of course she hasn't, you're her mother you should be making the food. For a while we've either been at my family's or out to eat. Tonight we're going to eat at home.

Okay what should I make? Who am I kidding I'll order takeout. Pizza, Chinese, sushi, what does my baby like? Wow, I really am a terrible mother, I don't even know what my daughter likes to eat.

"Hey, I'm ordering takeout. What do you want to eat?" I yell loudly so she can hear me over the TV.

"Hawaiian pizza with bacon instead of ham." She yells back.

She's been watching a lot of TV lately. Netflix really has stepped up their game. She's been taking a lot of tests from her private tutor for school lately so maybe she's just catching up on her shows.

I call the pizza restaurant and order a Hawaiian with bacon instead of ham for her. They didn't have gluten free pizza so I guess I couldn't order any for me. Oh well.

I'll just have salad with rice noodles.

Maya's pov

I hear the doorbell ring and I knew that was the pizza guy. Good because I am so hungry. After I left Demi's room, I Facetimed dad for a bit before turning on the TV. He asked me how Demi was and I told him she was fine now. Although now that I think about it she's been a bit off lately. I didn't tell him about her wanting to start dating.

Demi opens the door, takes the pizza and pays the delivery man. I run downstairs, after Demi tells me to grab plates and napkins. She wants to sit on the couch to watch a movie.

She's trying to be more involved with me and I can see she's putting in a lot of effort, so I don't give her a hard time.

She brings the pizza over with a salad and noodles.

"Why aren't you having pizza with me?" I ask.

"Gluten and dairy." she pouts.

"Right, I forgot about that." I say.

Wow, it must suck to be allergic to gluten and dairy.

I haven't just sat down and watched a movie with mom for so long. It feels good.

"Let's watch mean girls! Can you put it on?" She asks. Things have been so serious lately.

I strut with mom watching, hands on my waist, I grab the remote, pose, do a turn and put it on. Even though we've both seen this movie about a million times.

Mom laughs that obnoxious laugh she has, stands up and squeezes me tight. I don't want to be squished, that wasn't the point, all I wanted was a laugh.

We're now halfway through the movie. I've eaten like half of the medium pizza mom got. She was extra nice and filled the crust with cheese. I'm so full I feel like I'm gonna explode.

Hmm since Demi's trying to be nicer with me maybe I should too. I lay against the edge of the couch and put my feet on her thighs.

I look at her and she looks back smiling. Then she starts giggling and she hugs me. She looks so happy. I guess she does sorta love me.

Now we're cuddling on the couch together. The movie's almost over. I hear her stomach growl but I ignore it.

It growls again and I look at her but she's focused in the screen. Whatever. Then her stomach grumbles again, now it starting to annoy me. I sit up to see if she's finished her salad and it looks like she's hardly touched it.

She looks up at me.

"What's wrong? Why'd you get up?" She said, sitting up.

"Your stomach keeps growling, and your bowl's full." I tell her feeling like a mother.

"I'm not hungry and I was too busy watching the movie." She tells me.

I see her picking at her nails and squirming a bit, I know that's not the real reason but I keep my mouth shut. She's nervous and I think back to today. I had breakfast and lunch with dad. I wonder if mom actually ate anything today.

"What did you have for breakfast?" I ask her.

When did I become the mother.

"I had coffee." she replies hesitantly.

Coffee isn't breakfast. It's barely a drink. Anything that smells good and tastes gross isn't food. It's deceiving and shouldn't be allowed in the food world.

I'm not even going to ask about lunch. I already know the answer. I know she still kind of has trouble eating. And when she slips she doesn't even realize it. I guess being away from work means being away from the people that actually made sure she ate and followed whatever treatment plan.

Well I know this hasn't been going on a while because she ate at my grandparents's house and wasn't acting like this. Maybe I should try a gentler approach.

"Maybe you should eat your salad and noodles." I tell her carefully.

And then she flips. Who saw this coming and was cautious? Me.

"You're not my mother, I can take care of myself, I already ate something and now I'm not hungry." She yells.

I know she's lying but I don't say anything. Wtf so much for bonding, I was just trying to help. I'm not doing anything wrong. It makes me mad she flipped when I tried to help. Why is she acting like this?

"Tell that to your grumbling stomach." I sass.

I sit down comfortably unfazed wanting to finish the rest of the movie. Just as things were starting to get good, something just has to go wrong. She has to much pride to walk out so we just stay silent and watch the rest of the movie together.

Demi looks sad but I don't care. She's not listening to me and she's only hurting herself.


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