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Demi's pov

The room feels tense to me. Maya told me to eat but I just can't. So I don't, it's not affecting her in any way.

The movie's over so I stand up to put all the plates away. Maya helps me. She finishes half the pizza I ordered. It makes me happy that she eats without worrying about her weight. I have no idea what I would do if she had trouble with eating. I mean everyone has insecurities and I really hope she knows she can come to me. As I'm thinking I look over at the clock, it's getting late and I'm tired.

"I'm going to go to bed," I say. "Unless there's something else you want to do."

"No" She replies. " I'm just gonna facetime dad until I go to bed."

"Okay," I say. She does that almost every night, so it's normal. "You know you can always come to me if you need help with anything, right?"

She nods and heads towards her room upstairs.

I don't know what's wrong, but I'm super tired and sad. I brush my teeth, change into pajamas and head to bed.

My mind's racing with thoughts. I think about my date and Wilmer. He hasn't dated anyone since the breakup, which is hard to believe for me. He didn't have trouble keeping his hands off of girls when we were married. I wonder what he'll think about me dating. It doesn't matter it's my life. His thoughts don't and shouldn't validate my actions. Besides, it's not like he'll care.

I sigh. And start crying. It's just automatic. Trying to control my emotions is like canoeing in the ocean, it just doesn't work. Lately I'm just crying over everything. The tears start and won't stop.

Maya's pov

After dinner, correction after I have dinner I go up to my room. Demi just told me I can always ask her for help I'm glad for that but that just kind of seems like a random thing to say at that time. I hit my dad's caller ID on Facetime. And wait for the ringing. While I wait for it to connect I brush my hair.

He answers and I wave my brush which makes him laugh.

"How was the rest of your day?" He asks.

"Good, I guess. How was yours?" I ask back.

He replies with the same answer as me and after some small talk until he asks me a weird question.

"How's Demi err mom?" He asks again. Didn't he already ask that earlier today?

"Fine." I say and think back, "Actually she hasn't eaten anything at all today. But I think she's just having a really off day." More like an off week, but I don't say that.

Just as I say that I hear crying. What is with her. Living with her is like being on an emotional roller coaster all the time. I'll tell dad, since he's been asking about her.

"I can hear her crying right now." I just bluntly state. He wants an update on Demi so here it is. A live play by play.

"Why?" He asks concerned. His face clearly showing it.

Honestly I don't know. So I just shrug. I guess I can see why after we hang up.

"Okay, maybe you should check up on her. Do you need me to come over?" He asks.

I shake my head. What would he even do if he came over?

"No, this'll just blow over." I tell him.

"Can we hang out again soon?" I ask.

"It's up to your mom sweetheart." He says.

I just slowly nod. That's when I get mad again. Why is it up to her? It's always her decision, it's not fair. Why does she get to decide everything? It's my life.

Suddenly I have no sympathy for her crying, which I can still hear.

After we just talk about some random things. I end my facetime call with my dad is and now I'm laying in bed trying to sleep.

I can still hear soft sobs coming from her room but I just ignore it. I'm too tired for this tonight. I lay down slowly and I fall asleep.


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