final chapter

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Demi's POV

Somewhere along the lines you just grow up. It just happens. You have no choice but to mature. You don't learn how to parent nor do you learn how to deal with the real world.

I've experienced a lot in my life and I'm nowhere near done growing. I want to expand my understanding to be the most compassionate and humble person I can be. I want to expand my knowledge to be able to help other people rather than show it off as arrogance.

The things I've been through I can share to other people. By sharing I'm starting a conversation. I'm merely putting a spark to a flame that I want to ignite onto the world. To leave a footprint on the Earth.

I'm no where near perfect but I'm working on it. Not to perfection I mean but to getting better everyday. I know I'll never reach a level of perfection but I can reach a level of satisfaction that I've never experienced.

I've got a long way to go. With my family. My loving family of three which I hope to one day expand. In learning to trust. I'm learning to understand.

I know nothing that happened to me is my fault now but I know on bad days it may seem so. People behave in selfish and manipulative ways when they are going through a hard time themselves. I just happened to be on the other end of things too many times.

I know life won't always be perfect and no matter how great my life is I know there will still be bad days. I want my daughter to know now that I will always be there for her when she herself has those days.

She always has me to trust. I never ever want her to have to go through what I did. All my wisdom I've gained, I'll pass onto her. She can learn from my mistakes and live her life more freely.

I know she's not yet a teenager but I know these years will go by so fast.

I'm not certain of many things but one thing I know for sure is the little family I am overly happy with today is surely meant to Belong Together.


The end.

I'm truly sorry if this wasn't the ending you were hoping for. I just saw that I had this written in my drafts from a few years ago and have been getting a lot of comments to update so I am posting this.

I would like to thank everyone that has read this story over the last few years. You have no idea how grateful I am for reading. If anyone ever just wants to talk or vent my inbox is always open. I'm not as active as I used to be but I will try my best to check in every now and then.

Lastly, it's been a while since I've written anything so if anyone has any drabble/fanfic/oneshot requests I'll try my best to write them.


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