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Demi's pov

It's not even nine yet and it's already been a long morning. My head is throbbing and I can't tell if the room is spinning or if it's just me. I slowly make my way into the kitchen trying to think of something to make for breakfast.

"Maya come down from your room, I'm making breakfast!" I yell at the ceiling.

"What are we eating?" She yells back through the floor.

To be honest I'm not sure what we're going to be eating. I see her walk down the stairs from her room, rubbing her eyes.

"I thought you had breakfast ready." she says with disappointment in her voice.

"No, I want you to help me make breakfast." I reply back.

"Can't we go out for breakfast or actually I wanna eat with dad." She blurts out.

Here she goes with her dad again. Why can't she see I'm trying and that I love her. I don't want to keep having the same fight over and over again with her.

I don't know if it's my headache getting the best of me but I say, "Fine. Go eat with dad. I'll call him now. But you come straight home and if something happens you call me."

"Really, are you serious!" She replies happily.

I've haven't seen her that happy lately, it makes me sad that leaving me for her dad makes her so happy. I usually have someone like Marissa, my best friend, go with them when she and Wilmer are out alone. But she's getting older and she has a phone. I can trust Maya and it's just a morning.

"Yeah, I mean you clearly don't want to eat with me and your dad's in town." I reply, on the verge of tears.

She hugged me and ran up the stairs. I guess rebuilding our relationship means listening to what she wants at times too.

"I'll be ready by the time he gets here." She replies with a smile so big I swear I couldn't see her eyes.

She shut the door to her room and I fell to the to the floor. She hugged me. The last time she hugged me was on my birthday. The only reason she hugged me today was because I let her see Wilmer. She only hugged me on my birthday because I let her leave early to say bye to Wilmer when he had to leave to shoot a movie. It seems like she only loves me when I let her see Wilmer. Speaking of Wilmer I better text him.

Maybe trying to reach out to Maya was a bad idea. Clearly she would rather be with her father.

Maya's pov

I kinda feel bad that I'm leaving Demi hanging, but I get to go see dad so it doesn't matter. She always tries to make me feel guilty when I see dad. We wouldn't have this problem if she would let me see often and not once in a blue moon.

I'm almost ready I just have to put my socks and shoes on. I swear I think I hear mom crying downstairs but I'm not too sure.

"Maya your dad's in the driveway waiting for you, don't forget your phone." I hear her yell.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second." I yell back.

I don't think my dad's ever picked me up. It's usually one of Demi's friend's and they always stick around updating Demi which I think is dumb.

As I make my way downstairs I can see Demi wiping away at her eyes. This is how she makes me feel guilty. I just want to have breakfast with my dad and I'll be back at her house before she knows it. I don't understand why everything has to be such a big deal for her.

"Have you been crying?" I ask cautiously.

"No" she chuckles awkwardly, "You know I'm like allergic to everything, my eyes were just itchy." She says with a smile, which is a bit odd.

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