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Demi's pov

We're all at home now. Wilmer carried me to my bed and is now downstairs with Maya. To be honest I'm kind of nervous about this whole situation but I'm in so much pain right now that I can't even think of another option.

I picked up the phone earlier in the car without looking at the ID from being to tired. Once my phone hit my ear I heard a familiar voice. It was Marissa. I used to love having phone calls with her but I couldn't even bare listening to her voice then.

"Hey Dems. How'd your date go?" She asked. I couldn't do anything but hang up the phone. So that's what I did. She called back a few more times but I left the phone ring in the seat beside me.

Wilmer and Maya both turned around to check if I was okay. I couldn't even fake an expression for them. I just stared blankly into their eyes. Wilmer started to swerve from not paying attention. That got an expression out of me. He turned back around.

"Sorry, I'll pay attention" he said.

I just nodded. Though he couldn't even see me.

I'm feeling tired but I'm too awake to go to sleep, it's late and it has been a long day. I haven't started crying yet. I know it's coming and I'm surprised it hasn't started. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop.

Right now I'm in my bed with sweats and a t-shirt. My right leg is propped up and I'm watching TV.

Maya's doing something with Wilmer right now so I won't bother her. I want to take another pain killer but I know how addictive they are so I restrict myself. It's easy for me to over use pills so I try and stop myself. I wonder where Wilmer's sleeping tonight. I kinda wanna be mean and make him sleep on the couch but I won't do that. We have a guest room that's clean.

I hear glasses banging and I know that Maya and Wilmer are probably trying to make dinner. It's almost two in the morning and we ate at the hospital but knowing them they probably blew that off as a light snack. I laugh at that, Wilmer is actually a pretty good cook from what I can remember but Maya not so much.

I concentrate on the TV again trying to take my mind off of today.

Maya's pov

I'm actually really worried about mom. She's not showing any emotion at all. I would rather see her cry than to see the emotionless expression she has now. Dad and I both don't know what happened today. But we both have a pretty good guess.

I know it's not something that we should talk about behind mom's back so I don't bring it up now.

I'm glad dad's nice enough to stay with Demi. I don't know if I'd do that for an ex. I mean surely something happened between them, my conversation with dad earlier didn't really clear the air. My guess is, it's mom's fault. I mean dad did say he did something he regrets but he could have just been saying that so mom wouldn't look bad. Sure going out dancing and getting drunk is bad. But kissing a guy, I think that's just a whole other level.

Whatever happened it's really not fair that I have to face the consequences. Maybe things will change from now on.

We're now in the kitchen trying to make dinner. Dad's showing me what to do but there're too many instructions.

"Just measure it and put it in a bowl." He says sounding so annoyed.

It wouldn't be this hard if I knew what we were making. I have a teaspoon in my hand with something that suspiciously looks a lot like weed.

"What is this again?" I ask dad.

"It's oregano, now put it in the bowl." He says.

"The whole thing?" I ask, now just messing with him.

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