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Demi's pov

I just told the police everything that happened and I was free to go. They said they would contact me later this week and that we can go from there. The doctor just has to come in to explain a few things before I leave. As the police left I asked them to let Maya and Wilmer back in. They still don't know what happened and must be wondering. I physically feel like I can't tell that story again. It's not even the worst thing that has happened to me but the memories hurt.

Everything that happened today was sureal. It happened to me. I want to cry but I can't if they start the tears won't stop. I'll just wait until I get home to sob my eyes out. I don't know what's going to happen from now on. I know for sure dating is out of the question. But there's also my friendship with Marissa. I can't think about that now.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes to try and relax. Of course that doesn't last long right as I shut my eyes, Maya walks in with Wilmer.

"Hey" They both say at the same time.

"Hi" I whisper back.

I honestly don't want to talk through everything again. Telling it was like reliving it and I don't want to do that.

"You ready to go?" Asks Wilmer.

"The doctor's coming in a few minutes to explain some stuff or something I don't really know." I explain.

"Okay." He says back.

As if on cue the doctor walks in.

"Hello" he chirps brightly but I'm not in the mood.

I force my best expression at him and look down at my hands. I think he notices my state at this moment and tries to skip small talk.

"Stand up for me" He says. Though he could have explained this one a bit more.

"Okay?" I say.

I scoot to the edge of the bed and Wilmer helps me onto my feet. Well foot. The doctor looks me up and down. Seriously what is this?

"I'll be right back." He says.

When he leaves I give Wilmer and Maya a look of confusion and sit back down.

"Why did he make you stand up?" Maya questions.

"I don't know" we're all left confused. We all look at each other trying to think.

Then I chuckle to myself. Maybe it's the pain meds or just the situation I was in it or just my emotional state. We all start laughing.

"Stand up!" Maya says to Wilmer though he's already standing. He just stands up straighter. She looks him up and down.

"Okay" she says. And pretends to march out the door. We all laugh at her as she brightens my mood.

Just then doctor walks back in with crutches and Maya is still stomping around the room. We all stop and have a look of realization and the doctor looks at us funny.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"No." we all say at the same time which brings a smile to my face.

"Okay, Ms. Lovato. Ther.." Before he can continue I cut him off.

"It's Demi" I say and smile.

He nods.

"Demi, there are a few things I need to say, I'll try to be quick but informative. First you can't walk but I think you've already realized that." He says.

I nod. "I am well aware." I say. "Someone else better be listening because I suck at remembering stuff." I say out loud.

"I prescribed ointment to let your lips heal faster and to prevent infection." He says I nod and play with my hands.

"Obviously you can't ice your leg that's in the cast but you can ice the bruise on your other knee. Heat works too, going back and forth with ice and heat the bruise should be gone in a week." He says and takes a breath.

"Woah, that's a rhyme." I blurt out. The doctor looks at me funny. " Now's probably not the time."

"Your both a poet and you didn't even know it." Wilmer says. Woah what I said rhymed too. Even though this is kind of a difficult time the room isn't so tense anymore and I feel comfortable. Just the presence of Maya and Wilmer helps. The doctor laughed.

"As I was saying for your other leg, stay off of it as much as possible. Come back in two weeks and we'll x ray it again but as far as I can see now you'll be in a cast for between two to three months. After your leg has heeled you'll have to do physical therapy. You may be on crutches longer than that because staying the muscles in your legs will have weakened. Putting any pressure on it will probably be almost impossible for at least a month and a half." He says.

"I recommend staying in bed as much as you can. If your foot swells up just elevate your leg. I'll give you a pamphlet that should have all the information. I'm assuming you two live together?" He asks.

Wilmer and I both shake our heads no. The doctor scratches his head. Wow, he probably doesn't even know I'm famous. Our break up was all over every newsite.

"It will be very hard to do anything, yet alone move around so I suggest finding someone living with you or if you can't do that, we can find a volunteer." He says.

"I can stay with you Demi." Wilmer tells me.

"I don't want to be a bother. I can just stay with my parents." I say.

Though that probably won't work since they went back to Texas to visit. And where would Maya go? I would have normally asked Marissa. But that's out of the question. To be honest I'm just worried we'll both be uncomfortable.

"You're never a bother. I can stay with you if you're comfortable with it and if it's okay with Maya." He says.

I look at Maya she's nodding her head with a smile, she looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Let's try it for tonight and see how it goes." I sigh.

I see Maya trying to hold back a scream. She's happy so I guess I am too.

"Okay." The doctor says.

"One last thing is therapy." He says. "It's obviously optional but it's always open." He holds up a pamphlet and sets it down with the other one and the prescription paper. "It's recommended that you do at least a bit of therapy but again it is completely up to you." He says again.

I just nod. I already go to therapy but I don't tell him that. It's funny how he told me therapy is optional. I mean getting my leg treated wasn't optional obviously it had to be done but apparently talking through a traumatic experience with a licensed therapist is only recommended and not even mandatory. He grabs the crutches again.

"Stand up for me please." He says.

I do as I'm told again. He adjusts the crutches so it fits. And we're good to go. A nurse comes in with a wheelchair. And waves her hand to it instructing me to sit. So I do. The pamphlets and prescriptions are in Maya's hand. Wilmer's carrying my crutches and the bag with my dress in it.

"You're good to go. Set up an appointment two weeks from today over the phone. And if something doesn't feel right don't hesitate to come back." The doctor says.

We all thank him and leave the room. We make our way to the car and the nurse waves good bye. Wilmer helps me in and I feel my phone vibrate. Once we're all in the car I answer it.


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