twenty seven

505 25 15

Demi's pov

I wake up to the sound of dishes clanging. I roll over and see that the sun is up. I let out a groan and pull my covers up over my face. Judging by the noise Maya is helping Wilmer out.

I don't even know what time it is and I don't care. I'm too tired to move or think. I cuddle deeper into my blankets and let sleep take me away.

Maya's pov

Finally a day where I slept past ten. Dad and I are making breakfast while Demi is sleeping. I want revenge on her for waking me up so early for the past couple of weeks but I decide not to. She needs rest I guess.

I think I get my cooking skills from her because I can't even make toast without burning it.

"Maya all you had to do was press the button." Dad says.

"That's exactly what I did." I tell him.

"Then why is the bread not toast?"

"How should I know." I reply.

He sighs and walks over to me. I step aside as he puts the bread back in the toaster.

"Maya the toaster is not plugged in."

"Oh." I say feeling stupid. In my defense mom rarely uses the toaster. She probably thought it was broken when in reality it was just unplugged.

"Yeah. Now press the button."

I do as he says and wait.

"What are you making?" I ask when I see him mixing up a concoction of food in a bowl.

"Muffins." He simply replies.

"Wait we have enough ingredients to make muffins?" I ask.

"You have enough food in the house to serve a feast." Dad answers.

Damn. Why does mom even have all this food when she can't even cook. Won't it all just expire?

I take the four slices the toast out when I hear a ring and stack it on to a plate.

"Maya butter the toast."

"Alright." I groan and take apart my lovely toast tower.

As I'm buttering the toast a thought goes through me. When did dad come back?

"Wait didn't you leave last night?" I ask confused.

"Yeah and I came back later." He replies.

"Oh wait. I remember you were in mom's room." I say. I vaguely remember last night I can't remember if I dreamed of him talking to her last night or of if he was actually here.

"Wait did you come back this morning? I ask. Maybe it was a dream.

"No last night." He says looking at me now. "You feeling okay Mija?"

I stare off into the wall trying to remember. I was falling in and out of sleep hearing random bits of conversation last night.

"Yeah. I think I was asleep or maybe I woke up for a bit. I remember you guys talking I think. It's all a blur now." I say.

Dad just chuckles. "I know how you feel. Sometimes I wake up and can't remember if something was a dream or real life."

"Did mom say something about me messing up a lot or anything like that?" I ask. I distinctly remember something along the lines of that.

"Nope." He replies.

"Why? Do you feel like your messin-" He starts.

"No. I don't. I don't know why but I think she said something like that."

"Are you sure your feeling fine? We can talk about whatever it is that's botheri-" He starts.

"No. I'm all good. Wait what we're you guys talking about then?"

"Maya we were having a private conversation." He says.

"I take that back. I'm not all good. I won't be until you tell me what you were talking about." I say. I don't know why I care so much I just want to know for some reason.

"Why are you so determined? It wasn't about you." My dad says.

"Fine whatever. Let's just finish making breakfast." I say giving up.

Dad rolls his eyes and goes back to his baking. Whenever either of them complain about my attitude I'm just gonna remind them who I got it from.

"Can I go wake mom up?"

"No Maya let her sleep." He replies.

I groan. I have nothing to do. I start spinning around the kitchen out of pure boredom.

"You're making me dizzy. Are you like this around your mother?"

"Nope. She never cooks and she was always working." I say bitterly and stop spinning.

My dad sighs and looks at me.

"Well it's true." I say.

Demi's Pov

'You've got this little miss independent.' I tell myself. I'm trying to get out of bed and head downstairs to see Maya and Wilmer. I don't want to bother them because I can hear them talking downstairs.

I somehow make it to the crutches laying against the wall and hobble out of the room.

I slowly make my way out of the room and make my way to the staircase.

"Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall." I keep repeating to myself.

Very carefully I make it past one step. I feel really proud and I pridefully throw my hands in the air forgetting about the things that are holding me up.

My crutches fall and I'm left standing like an idiot at the top of the stairs.

"Demi!" Wilmer yells.


He runs to the top of the stairs to me with Maya right behind him.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just help me down."


We are all huddled infront of the TV enjoying the food Wilmer and Maya made.

I know Wilmer's eyes were on me but I am feeling much better today and just want to enjoy the delicious food.

"What's the plan today?" I ask.

Wilmer and Maya both shrug.

"Maya has gymnastics from two until seven so I can drop her off and we can hang out at here." Wilmer says.

I'm tired of just being cooped up in here.

"I don't want to stay at home. I haven't left the house in days." I say.

"Well, do you have a plan in mind?" Wilmer asks.

I shrug.


I always abruptly end chapters lol. Idk what else to write :/

Yay I'm done editing so here's a new chapter!!

Thanks for reading.

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