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Demi's pov

I asked Maya to turn the TV and lights off before she left. It's now pitch dark in my room and I can feel sleep coming. My whole body just feels kind of numb. I just have a sense that tomorrow's going to be a hard day but who knows. I hope Wilmer knows he can sleep in the guest room. My eyelids feel heavy and I close my eyes.

I'm three years old, I'm hiding under my bed with Dallas. I hear someone stomping up the stairs. "Not this again." I think to myself.

I cover my eyes with my hands and Dallas holds me close to her. I hear a door open. I know I have to be silent. I see my dad's feet, he walks around the room and he sits on the bed. He knows we're in here and he is waiting for us to come out. It's really dusty under the bed and I sneeze. I feel someone grab my foot and drag me from under the bed.

"You thought you could hide from me." He slurs.

"I don't play hide and seek." He sneers.

"I play big boy games." He says, and sadly I know exactly what that means. I don't blame Dallas for staying under the bed. I would rather it be one of us than both.

He grips my arm tightly and takes me to his room. I feel a slap but those don't hurt as bad as what I know is coming next. I close my eyes as I see his hand raised up- and suddenly I'm five years old and I see a boy two years older than me, he sees me and pushes me to the ground. I scrape my knees.

Now I'm ten years old a familiar man comes back to play games with me. More and more memories keep coming back to me. I'm now twenty two years old and I see Wilmer's face. He raises his hand and-

Then I wake up. I'm screaming. I can't breath. Why can't I be loved? What is wrong with me? Why can't I find one person who actually loves me.

I'm crying and I know the tears won't stop. I think about my dream and I start screaming again. I would do anything to block those memories out. How I wish all these memories will leave me alone.

Wilmer's pov

I wake up to the sound of screaming. Where am I? I look around Demi's couch and all the events from yesterday flood back. I hear the same scream again and I race upstairs.

I open Demi's door and walk in. She's hunched over on her bed screaming and crying. As many times as I've consoled her, I've never seen her quite like this.

I quickly make my way to her, she flinches away then screams. Hysterical is the only way to describe this.

"Get away, I know what you're going to do!" She yells.

"Hey look at me, I'm just trying to help." I reply calmly.

"No!" She yells. "I've heard it all before, just leave!"

I walk closer to her and lift my arms to bring her into a hug. She automatically puts her hands up to her face to guard it.

"No, don't hurt me. I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry." She whimpers. Her words kill me.

I wrap my arms around her body. But she just let's out another ear piercing scream. Her breathing hitches and I back off.

"Demi, I'm not going to hurt you." I tell her assuringly. This is really killing me inside. She is so hurt and I can't help her. I was a part of the pain she is feeling now.

She just hugs herself and keeps crying.

"Leave." she whispers between shallow breaths.

I can't leave her like this so I just stand by the door and helplessly watch her cry.

I look at her and can't help but walk over to her again.

"Get away from me!" She cries.

"I can't, I have to comfort you, I love you." I say honestly.

"Why?" I'm confused by her question.

"Why did they call me crazy? Why did he do that to me?" Her voice slowly rises.

"Why did I get bullied at school? Why did my dad leave me? Why did he hurt me?"

Finally she asks "Why did you hit me?" She screams. She's been through so freaking much and I had to add on to her pain.

"Demi I," Her cries are getting louder. I make my way to her and she finally let's me hold her. She always makes herself sick after she cries. "You're going to make yourself sick, try slowing your breathing down." I instruct but she doesn't listen.

She's in my arms banging on my chest.

"What's wrong with me, why do men always hurt me? There has to be a reason!" She sobs. She grips onto my t- shirt.

"Am I a walking target? Do I just look really vulnerable? Is it the way I look? Just tell me what's wrong with me." She cries.

"There is nothing wrong with you believe me. Nothing at all." I say.

Her cries aren't dying down and she starts screaming again. I just hold her tighter. Her screams turn into whimpers and tears are still streaming down her face.

I just let her cry it all out. I can see her sniffling and trying to stop herself from crying.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

She just nods.

I just smile. We just sit in silence for a while. I can see Demi has stopped crying and now she's just staring off into space.

I hand her a T-shirt and sweats because she looks like she sweated through what she's wearing right now from her nightmare.

I keep looking at her beautiful face and can't help but stare.

"Turn around." She softly giggles. That laugh makes my heart melt.

I do as she says. Then she throws the dirty sweatshirt at me and I cringe. She makes a stank face and laughs at me. She has the sweats I gave her in her hands.

"I can't take my pants off." She pouts. I can see she's in a lighter mood.

I walk down to her feet and gently pull her pants down from the waist.

"No looking." She says.

"Seriously I have to put this on you with my eyes closed." I ask.

"Fine open them. I'm wearing boy shorts." She sticks her tongue out.

"Why did you make me close my eyes?" I ask jokingly mad.

"For fun." She shrugs. I'm so happy she's in a better mood.

I see the bruises on her legs. And my mood changes again.

"Do you need ice?" I ask.

"I'm good I just want to put my leg up I think it's swelling up again. Don't bother with the pants." She teases.

So I grab some pillows and gently set them under her leg and kiss her forehead. I can see that the scratches on her face are bothering her so I go grab the bottle of ointment she got from her doctor.

I gently squeeze some of the ointment
onto my finger and lightly dab it on her face. I can tell she's uncomfortable but she doesn't say anything. I don't want to even imagine someone doing this to her.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Nope." She says laying down on the bed and closing her eyes. I guess she's going to sleep.

"Goodnight," she says, "Just call if you need anything."

She nods with her head laying down. I turn the lights off and open the door to be faced by Maya.


In honour of finishing half of my exams I'm updating lol. Just an excuse to update :p. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If anyone ever wants or needs to talk you can always message me or comment idc. Please share vote and comment.
Thank you all for reading!!!

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