twenty five

629 32 7

Demi's pov

"I haven't had that dream in so long. I can't stop thinking about it. It's going to drive me out of my mind."

"I know Demi. It's hard and it's going to be hard." He adds.

"Sometimes a situation triggers a memory from the past and Demi I don't know how long this is going to bother you but what I do know is that you're going to get through this and I'll be by your side when you need me to be. You trust me right?" He asks.

I want to say yes, I want to nod but I don't know if I actually trust him. So I don't move.

"I'm not trying to push you away Wilmer." I start to explain.

"I mean I want you here. But when you're actually with me I just get so nervous." I finish.

"Demi, I can't blame you for that but I wouldn't have known that if you hadn't told me."

I feel relieved after talking things out. So I go on further.

"I just can't help but shake the fact that so many things happened when I was little, you know. I think that's why I kept Maya away from you and I'm sorry but I really couldn't trust you."

He nods.

"It's been what twenty years? And I had a nightmare from when I was four. I can still feel the sting on my back. Wilmer! I can still feel it!" I yell as I try to catch my breath. I always end up overworking myself.

"I'm so sorry, mi hermosa." He says as he rubs my arm.

"What if that happened to Maya. What if she can't even go to sleep in her late twenties because of something that happened to her when she was a child. When I was her guardian! Something I could've prevented."

"You think I would have done something to her?" Wilmer questions.

"Well, no. Not you particularly. I mean after that night. Wilmer I don't know."


"I mean Wilmer I can't have her end up like me. I need to keep her safe." I try to explain.

Maybe if I hadn't gone through so much as a child I wouldn't have divorced Wilmer from one slap. Maybe if I hadn't divorced him after that slap things could have gotten a lot worse but I left him and Maya was unharmed. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

"Demi I know Maya hasn't been physically hurt but you know how much strain is put in a child's mind when they're told they can't see a parent." He tells me.

I didn't even think of that.

"Demi you're thinking like a mother now. You know you were a child too right. Your mother loves you and I bet she didn't want any of this to happen to you."

Wilmer's words were true.

"Nevertheless it happened and it wasn't her fault."

He's right how could I ever blame my mom she didn't do anything wrong.

"God forbid if anything happens to Maya it won't be your fault Demi!"

"But you said keeping a child away from a parent puts a lot of strain on the child and that would be my fault."

"No it wouldn't! You had your reasons. Stop stressing. Maya's okay isn't she?" He asks.

I nod.

"I just want to protect Maya from what I went through but I think I'm just screwing her life up more. Like you said I stopped her from seeing you. Her own dad! What's wrong with me. I would kill to see my dad again." My voice cracks. Even after everything I still miss him. "But I wouldn't let her eve-

I get cut off. "You did the right thing Demi and that's coming from me. The guy that you kept his daughter from. The father who wasn't allowed to see his daughter is telling you that you did the right thing. It was the right call"

"I just miss him so much. You know? I mean like I miss him but not the part of him that causes me to fall apart. I don't know why but I miss him." I try to explain.

"I don't want her to ever regret not seeing her dad enough and if she does ever regret it, it will be my fault for keeping you away from her. I don't want her to spend nights regretting something she can't change. I don't want her to think any less of herself because her dad wasn't always there. I can't let her wonder her worth because of me. Because I kept her away from her dad. It's not fair." I breathe out. Getting that off my chest made me feel better.

"Darling, I'm right here and Maya is in the next room. I think this is more about you. Am I right?"

"Seriously Wilmer! You think I'm making this about myself. Do you see me as that stuck up and arrogant."

His whole body changes from my outburst to a look of pure confusion.

"Sorry, I don't know what that was." I guess he's right.


3k reads! Y'all are the best
I'm sorry the updates are so slow
I am swamped with school work cus I'm a lazy slacker lol

Anyways I uploaded a new story and it would be super if you guys would check it out.

It's called 'Escape'

Thanks for reading :)

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