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"Amanda! Would you mind coming downstairs to greet Ethan and Grayson, they'll be here in 5 minutes." I hear my fathers voice call from downstairs.

"Coming" I sigh.

Here I am, alone, on a Saturday night at home, I repeat, alone. Having to attend to this thrilling dinner, my father has made to talk more about business with his clients. While my friends are partying hard I'm here, dressed formal and talking business with weird YouTubers looking for fame.
I'm always the one who stays home on Saturdays.

I sigh.

Sometimes I wish he worked in an ice-cream shop so I could have free ice-cream, not as Youtube's manger, where all I get is boring business dinners.

Anyway let's stop all this selfishness.

I quickly get up from my bed and arrange my little black dress. I make a messy bun and slip a pair of black converse on. I hear the doorbell and I immediately slide my phone in one of my dresses small pockets.

I open the door and run down the stairs and into the dining room. As soon as I am in I see my dad shaking hands with two identical people. I'm guessing Ethan and Grayson. My stepmother is next shaking their hands with a big smile plastered on her face. I quickly look away and grab my phone from my pocket and start watching my friends snapchats who all consist of alcohol and music.

I frown slightly and place my phone back in my pocket.

"Oh and this is Amanda, my loving daughter" my father says with a proud smile pointing towards me and they both quickly turn around noticing me. I fake smile and look down.

"This is Ethan and this is Grayson" My stepmother says pointing at the two.

"I can't really spot the difference actually so no need to tell me their names" I say quite arrogantly. I immediately regret my words once my father gives me a mean look.

"Shall we eat?" He says and we all sit at the table, me facing the wall.

For what seems like hours they talk about YouTube and how great it is, I just stare blankly at the two attractive twins and wonder which one I'll fall in love with. Because let's be realistic, if I ever want action in my life I have to start falling in love and living.

They both look the same to me, so I guess I'll just go with the one who likes me the most.

The one next to me turns around and smiles, I smile back sweetly. He quickly turns back around and laughs at something my dad said.

I contemplate the ceiling and daydream about the future that awaits us, by us I mean me and one of the two... Or both, that's good too. I slightly chuckle alone but immediately stop once I hear my dad mention my name.

I look at him with terror "what about Amanda?" I ask.

"I was just telling them how you're sixteen, just like them" he says smiling widely.

"Oh really! That's great! We could hang out sometime then!" I exclaim happily. They both nod happily.

My stepmother walks in the room with a plate which had a big chocolate cake on it. I smirk at the vision but remember I'm on a diet. So when it's my turn to get served I decline politely. The two twins look at me, not believing what they've just seen.

"What?" I ask plainly. They both look at each other.

"How could you refuse the cake?" The one next to me says.

"It's like delicious" the other one adds. I shrug.

"I know it is, but I'm on a diet" I tell them. They both roll their eyes.

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